There are soo many good talents on Hololive losing any of them is a loss. Especially on the EN side. I caught Mumei clips from time to time and she was one of those I enjoyed, like Fauna, but just don't have the time to actually watch. Mumei's graduation is health related though. She's had a persistent coughing issue for like 3 years now and the Doctor's keep saying there's nothing wrong and don't believe her. It's cut so much of her streaming time and effected her voice so much she has to retire.I don't even watch any of them live, just occasionally peruse clips. Still absolutely hate hearing about people moving on though.
Hololive has so goddamn many people now that having multiple graduations in a short period of thing is just a thing that's gonna happen.
Is this like how Sana couldn't stream because of health issues but was apparently just too lazy to work?the Doctor's keep saying there's nothing wrong and don't believe her
Is this like how Sana couldn't stream because of health issues but was apparently just too lazy to work?