anyone here ever use or evaluate Orchard? a buddy is using them because of the convienece, he wants to be out quick and doesn't want to fix the wear & tear around his home.
Their main business model is they will 'buy' your home while you are still in it, opening you up to buy something w/o having an existing loan over you. they work both as a seller and buyer, and they try to get you to buy one of the homes they have bought from another customer. after you move, they fix up your home, then sell it, and deduct the cost of those repairs from the selling price, then charge you 6% on the transaction.
as someone w/ dogs, kids, and working out of the home 100%, i'm really not wanting to do repairs while i'm living here, but can't really afford to move out while i still own this home. so their model is appealing.
I did a quick eval of my home and they offered about 20% what Zillow thinks my home is worth. seems good. i then look at the homes they have for sale, and recognize one that was previously on zillow. the catch is it's about 35% higher than what I remember zillow thinking it was worth. so their model seems to rely more on inflating the cost of the homes, so their 6% cut on each side is more, plus whatever overpirced repair services they employ.