Pardon my getting off the subject at hand but still on topic, I"m also looking to pull the trigger on home numero uno and am finding the whole process a little disheartening. A single family starter house in my area goes for about 250k, give or take. I"m 32, single and a pretty handy guy, so I"m looking for something basic that I can put some work into and move up from in about 5-10 years.
Just an example of something in my area:
Stone Ridge Properties Real Estate Agency servicing home buying and home selling in Northeastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.
A quick pass through the mortgage calculator:, 225k for the house, 5.5%, 30 years, 1.25% property tax and 0.5% PMI puts me at $1605 a month just for the mortgage.
Now, I make just under 90k a year, so monthly after retirement and other deductions I take home around $3500. I have no debt at all, nothing, zero, not a single credit card balance, own my car, own all of my toys and have all of my student loans paid off, and as such I have a FICO in the mid 700"s which should be good enough to get me a-paper on whatever I"m looking for.
The issue is this, some rough math that hopefully some of you obviously much-more-adept at this can shed some optimistic light on for me. Again rough numbers, monthly, aiming low, and mostly thinking out loud because this thread is excellent and you guys certainly know your shit.
Mortgage: $1600
Cable/Internet: $100
Water and Sewer: $100
Heat: $150
Electric: $100
That puts me at ~$2000 for the basics. Now I tack on:
Cell phone: $100
Gas: $250 (I have a good sized commute, 60 miles each way)
So now I"m at a ballpark $2400 and I haven"t even factored in food. Say I"m frugal and drop $100 a week on grub between dinner, lunch, breakfast and a few beers here and there, I"m basically at a $500 make/break point and I haven"t put a dime into savings.
That"s not good. That"s one car problem away from "Oh shit, I"m fucked". If my TV breaks I"d need to save for a month to buy a new one. Medical problems? Family emergency? Forget it. I can"t get my budget that tight where I"m paycheck to paycheck and always one away from being completely up the creek.
Am I off anywhere here? My question to you guys is this - for all extents and purposes I"m a financially responsible guy who makes a relatively decent living. I"m by no means wealthy, but 90k is a decent salary and the fact that I have no debt screams to me "You should be able to afford a home right now, why can"t you?"
I have friends with a stack of debt that make less than I do, who have shiny new $400/mo auto loans who have houses, yet I"m putting what I think is a responsible budget together and I end up with night terrors thinking about it. What"s missing from my equation? If I had to I could pull 20% down from my retirement fund, but man I"d really hate to do that. The biggest problem for me is the lack of savings. I"ve always been good with my money and do what I can to toss a decent amount into the bank every paycheck. Not having that security blanket just isn"t something I can stomach. :\
Edit: Sorry for the novel, but would love to hear what you all think.