<Prior Amod>
when i was looking to retexture some parts of my drywall (some patched parts look uneven), i searched for thisI've built a studio in a 3 car garage with interior walls bolted to the cement, full wiring, baffled, ceiling, muding, taping, painting, but I left it flat and didn't bother making the ceiling look perfect. Yeah, I fucking hated every bit of the ceiling work. I wasn't even going to touch the ceiling but both our fathers are telling us to get rid of the popcorn and frankly I hate that shit too.
Maybe I'll just ignore the texturing and git it done? Was hoping there was some kinda spray thing I could rent to knock this shit out quickly and easily.
Don't have the extra money to pay people and I don't want to try to do this with a house full of our shit so it's probably now or never.
Rust-Oleum RRC-9-2009 Restore Roller Cover, 9-Inch
Its like 3bucks, while all the other texture rollers were 20ish bucks and had less stars, this review sold me, had good tips too

i bought it and it's just sitting in my basement when i wanna feel like it.