Yeah basically. I could replace it now but we're not getting water inside or anything. Just means the shingles aren't gonna last as long and the roof will goNice!! and then not so nice. So what does this mean for your roof. That your whole roof is gonna rot out eventually, much sooner than it should, and you'll have to get a new roof?
Yeah in the plans too. Some soffet ventsIt's important for ridge vent to have eave vents as well so the air will flow underneath the roof deck.
Lanx The contractor that I'm using to fix the damage had just water proofed our neighbors basement. We do not have a basement. We have just a crawl space, that apparently is supposed to be 18" per code, and gets down to as little as 8-10" in some spots under the house. It's in this crawl space that he found other problems after the water had been pumped out.
House was built in 1949, and it's had a TON of addons. Previous owners lived there 8 years and did most of these addons.
is that common to have one neighbor have a basement and the other without? i mean idk, sure i see 1story vs 2stories on the same block, but thought everyone would have a basement. But i also live in KS where everyone has a basement so we don't die from Dorothys revenge.Lanx The contractor that I'm using to fix the damage had just water proofed our neighbors basement. We do not have a basement. We have just a crawl space, that apparently is supposed to be 18" per code, and gets down to as little as 8-10" in some spots under the house. It's in this crawl space that he found other problems after the water had been pumped out.
House was built in 1949, and it's had a TON of addons. Previous owners lived there 8 years and did most of these addons.
lulzMy own little update
Had the contractor come out today and he told me $500 to redo the missing shingles. Insurance quoted us 900 so figured that was good. He came out today, did the quote and finished before I was even home. Can't complain about that.
He also gave me some bad news. Not crone news, but bad enough. Basically guy that did our roof originally "new" 5 years ago before we bought it just slammed the shingles right on the plywood, rather than putting down the tar sheets. Also there's not any ventilation on the roof. Just one single vent on the side of our house. I assumed inspector would've seen that, but here we are.
He offered to put this new vent on the peak in, the kind that's this 4 foot plastic thing that bends to shape to the roof.
VentSure® Rigid Roll Ridge Vent - Owens Corning Roofing
Like that but different model.
Originally he said $1000 but then said $500 because he's trying to make a name for himself.
All In all weird dude but did a great job. He also resealed my chimney and another vent for free.
is your insulation falling apart? also looks nasty, i think it's time for sprayfoam
I don't think there's anything I can do about this, but I just gotta vent a little as I'm pissed!! U mad bruh?!? YESSSS
So I live in the Pacific Northwest, and it's raining a shit ton lately. Pretty normal, but we noticed in our living room that water is coming into the house when it rains a lot. Not much, it's kinda like seeping in, not just pouring. It's right near a down pipe from our gutter, and so we figure water is just being water when it rains hard. But anyway, we call up this general contractor that had water proofed our neighbors basement and recommended them.
They come out today, and apparently there's a foot and a half lake under my fucking house that of course is gonna start rotting out everything if I just leave it. WTF! We just bought this house back in June of last year, and from Google images, and what we know, the previous owner was a DIY asshole that did things like fill in the garage to add 2 rooms. It's a 5 bed, 2 bath house. Anyway, this contractor today says that there is no way the previous home owner didn't know that they put the vapor barrier under the house just far enough to where the inspector would pass it, but it's not up to code.
The contractor is running back into town to get his pumps to get this water out. Says it'll be ok for another couple weeks while we figure out how to fix all this shit. Straight out of my pocket. Thank goodness a tax return is coming this year I guess?
Edit: First bid in to pump all the water and fix under the house. Reviewing the contract shortly. $4800. Double FML.
I do not disagree about a second quote. Our gutters are terrible, and not a single one is routed the way it should be. Certainly not to a big hole with a sump pump or any thing.Have you determined the actual cause of the flooding? You don't want to pay to solve a bunch of problems you don't have. This guy saying that stuff about the vapor barrier would already have me suspicious. Vapor barriers aren't going to do shit about a flood and home inspectors should know the code and not be tricked by a too short vapor barrier. I mean I'm sure there are some bad ones, but a blanket statement like that seems a bit ridiculous.
You might just need to have the downspout fixed so it takes the water further away. I'd definitely get at least another quote.
Our gutters are terrible, and not a single one is routed the way it should be. Certainly not to a big hole with a sump pump or any thing.
sump pump is a second line of defense and bandaid