You guys paying exterminators should look up a product called Tempo (I buy the Liquid concentrate), it's like $50 on amazon to let you fill like 15 gallons worth for a sprayer (roughly) and you'll probably never use it all before it goes bad (2-3 years) unless you have a huge property. I used to always buy ant traps that kinda worked but not for very long but it's always a battle to get them before they get into the house/garage, etc. Someone recommended this stuff to me and now I just spray once or twice in spring around my house, inside my garage along the edges and doors and landscaping preemptively. Those bastards never get into my house anymore, I have an irrational hatred of ants so this stuff is a blessing.
It's extremely effective on ants and spiders and the lingering killing power it leaves behind lasts for several months. I had some fairly large common ant mounds this spring in one part of my lawn and I sprayed them with this and a few days later I couldn't find an ant moving there anymore. It's also supposed to be safe for pets once it dries. Some states ban the sale to home owners though so YMMV.