For sure. Wonder if it'll kill any rats/squirrels that may be in attic.Great! But listen to what Lanx said - don't run it while you're in the building.

For sure. Wonder if it'll kill any rats/squirrels that may be in attic.Great! But listen to what Lanx said - don't run it while you're in the building.
the ozone from living room ozone generators is like seriously 1/1000th the ozone power of one of those real ozone generatorsWhen I was a kid my mom had an ozone generator running continuously in our living room. It definitely helps with smells but is uncomfortable to breathe. I don’t know if it’s pseudoscience or well established, but I’ve heard that ozone (O3) works by binding to airborne particles (dust, dander, etc) and causing them to become too heavy to stay airborne. This means that when you breathe these heavy particles in, they settle in your lungs as your lungs aren’t very good at getting stuff out of them. Again, I don’t remember where I heard this, but it seems like it’s generally not a good idea to casually breathe it in.
That makes sense and makes me feel a lot better lmaothe ozone from living room ozone generators is like seriously 1/1000th the ozone power of one of those real ozone generators
That makes sense and makes me feel a lot better lmao
Last year we were cleaning the walls of a 120 year old concrete block building and used straight chlorine that we can get at a local True Value for $5 for 2.5 gallons. It worked just as well as the product in that video, but of course the chlorine fumes were so strong that we had to wear filtered masks.
I was looking into that. But the water per day for a"whole house" dehumidifier was the same as a stand up unit from Lowe's for a quarter the price. I got that and it solved my problemAnyone have experience with a whole house dehumidifier?
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Apparently the math on new windows doesn't work out...
Might be installing whole wall bookshelves soon.
ok i confess, i like hanging them up on my pegboardNot with that attitude
shower drain will be primarily hairWhat's the best way to clear up an old shower drain? Baking soda?
the ozone from living room ozone generators is like seriously 1/1000th the ozone power of one of those real ozone generators
yea sounds like you had a big clump of disgustingI had a clog in my shower drain for the longest time... drano would work but only for a couple days it seemed like, then it would start again. No idea what it was but what I ended up using was a regular old plunger and I've never had an issue again.
What if, for the deck, i just pressure washed it, replaced bad boards, sanded it and then stained it a color. Would look completely uniform and a lot better you think? I already own a belt and circular sander.
Most of the boards are in fine condition. Maybe 2-3 have some rot that would warrant replacing.