<Prior Amod>
you have a 2012 impreza also? watch out for that cvt, i got lucky and my cvt valve body crapped out at 97k last summer and the warranty was extended to cover 100k for cvtAlso this may be obvious but idk. One of the biggest things you can do to make a house affordable is not buying a new car. And by new I mean replacing one that’s fine. That’s the biggest thing we did that made our house affordable for us. Paying off our cars. When you have an extra $800+ per month not going to cars you can put that toward a mortgage or improvements instead.
When I paid off my Impreza I just continued to make my $400 payment (I know for a fact I can afford it, I just did it for four years) to an investment account instead. I saved up $30kish that way, so if something happens and I do need a car I can shift that money back to payments and I have money built up for a down payment. We’re actually finishing our basement with it (different kind of investment). I’ll keep doing this until this car dies probably, it’s only got 87k miles on it and I’ve had it for nine years, but it’s a Subaru so it could probably last another 200k miles. I really want a new car as it’s small, loud, no new tech but...
I believe that a lot of people in the US who are “broke” but make decent money is because of their car decisions (and going out to eat too much). Constantly having that car payment is a massive money drain that most people just assume has to be a part of life.
it is loud from road noise, but if you put sounded deadening on it, it really makes it a luxury car

i forgot how loud it was until i heard the rear wheel bearing go bad (and it's making a whiny noise for a while, i'll replace it after i move) but it rattles like it sounded b4 the sound deadening.
72sq ft is enough for the impreza, i don't have a hatch, i'm sure it'll stiff cover it, i still have enough sheets to cover the roof (i didn't want to take apart the lining)
you can also replace the speakers and add a sub, and replace the headunit, i mean i don't listen to loud music, but the impreza speakers are garbage, even just replacing the tweeters will make a difference and those could be done in 1minute.