how many zones do you have?Any recommendations for a high end irrigation controller? Something with lots of features like WiFi etc. Ideally it has a public API so right now looking at hunter hydrawise, Rachio and opensprinkler
I want the option to expand it to maybe 20-40 zones. Price doesn’t many zones do you have?
that many zones youre pretty much limited to the hydrowiseI want the option to expand it to maybe 20-40 zones. Price doesn’t matter.
Ok for 10-16 zones then, what would you recommend?that many zones youre pretty much limited to the hydrowise
well i'm pretty sure all them have forcast ability so it'll adjust and predict how much rain is in the ground, i personally have used the bhyve with great success, i literally never thought about irrigating my lawn once it was setup and my lawn was green and healthier and filled in. if i were to install another controller it'd be a bhyve, but i might want to play around w/ the rachio since its had the same good reviews.Ok for 10-16 zones then, what would you recommend?
Ok for 10-16 zones then, what would you recommend?
Whatever color you like? Wtf get a wife if you can’t pick colors yourself.Any suggestions on getting ideas for house colors? House needs repainting. Looking for neutral tones.
Anyone know if kitchen hoods come in sub-standard sizes? My google search doesn't give me anything. Kinda flooded with all kinds of kitchen hoods, but they're all normal sized. My small kitchenette has an induction plate that's 30x60 cm (width x lenght), but I don't want to buy a hood that'll be covering half the counter and cooking plate only takes less than 1/2.
There are fans that can be installed in your countertop and they suck the air down. I have seen models where they are hidden and pop up while in use and others that are static and flush with the countertop.Anyone know if kitchen hoods come in sub-standard sizes? My google search doesn't give me anything. Kinda flooded with all kinds of kitchen hoods, but they're all normal sized. My small kitchenette has an induction plate that's 30x60 cm (width x lenght), but I don't want to buy a hood that'll be covering half the counter and cooking plate only takes less than 1/2.
It is probably easement that they can’t build into. Or they can but risk getting their fence destroyed if the city has to dig there to access drainage.what you guys do for these property tags?
View attachment 397582
this is my side of the property, this garden on the fence was already here when i bought (i don't care about the garden, (as you can see its where i blow my extra leafs over), anyway surveyers came over cuz this house is being sold (behind the white fence), and i figured i might as well take pics and get a free survey, might as well. (i looked this up on the gis county and it's pretty much accurate) (took out my old metal detector but it runs on 2x 9v and the ones i had died and i wasn't gonna steal one from a smoke detector and too lazy to drive out to buy em so i amazon'd for tomorrow batteries)
anyway we plan on building a fence once maybe prices aren't crazy, so of course i want to use part of their fence, but it might not be worth it and easier to just build inside, cuz of that corner heres another pic
View attachment 397585
also their fence is weird as shit, if you see their property tags, it extends further out, but they built the fence like a good 10ft inside.
so anyway i'm thinking it's easier just to build out the fence and encapsulate the whole property, and build through that garden.
yea that house fence and property lines are just weirdIt is probably easement that they can’t build into. Or they can but risk getting their fence destroyed if the city has to dig there to access drainage.
Usually people build their fences 6”-12” into their property line, and people don’t usually connect fences. It probably depends on the neighborhood and the layout though. You can run into property line issues with new owners, or if the neighbor decides they don’t with their fence anymore, etc. My last neighborhood was old and the HOA was lax so people connected fences. There were problems when the city would come out to work on electrical lines and they had to walk four houses away to get there because so many fences were connected.
Yeah I’d be making that person get their shitty fence off my property. That’s way too into it. I’m guessing they did that so you could see the fence from the road and it looks even on both sides. Looks terrible from a top view.yea that house fence and property lines are just weird
like if we look at the top, i can see why they made that sharp corner, it's not worth it to so many right angles right? and they were really trying to follow the property line but then at the bottom, it's like wtf?
that bottom fence makes a weird ass trapazoid that takes a huge chunk of property from the other house and even crosses another property a little.
like they were following the lines at the top, then someone became drunk as shit at the bottom
what you guys do for these property tags?
(i looked this up on the gis county and it's pretty much accurate) (
yea that house fence and property lines are just weird
like if we look at the top, i can see why they made that sharp corner, it's not worth it to so many right angles right? and they were really trying to follow the property line but then at the bottom, it's like wtf?
that bottom fence makes a weird ass trapazoid that takes a huge chunk of property from the other house and even crosses another property a little.
like they were following the lines at the top, then someone became drunk as shit at the bottom
yea theyre mostly accurate, i made sure to take pics of the neighbor tags (might as well) and heres the tag that goes right through the chunk of backyard they shouldn't own (orange)our gis maps are shit, they even went to a new engine and still shit. they are about 15' shifted to the south. seems odd they would build that house that close to the property line. even in our lax town, have to 8' or 10' gap. do the new stakes follow that same path?