Home remedies that work


I've been fighting random spider bites all summer that left me itching for weeks. Mow the lawn = itch like hell.

Cremes and anti-thisamines and whatever didn't work.

I must have mowed down some spider condo this morning because I had hundreds of bites and they all itched like hell...this on top of the ones I had for a week. What hell, itching for weeks and weeks.

Called the GF who is a PA and she came right over. Had me strip naked and she used....a hair dryer on me. Each inch unpleasant, and NOT cooked. 15 minutes later, no itch. Half a day later? No itch and no redness. Had me cool off in the shower in cold water after getting bits blown dry, even though she was careful.

Her trick was to use hot air from the blow dryer on (each swath of bites) until it became uncomfortable for me (no burning flesh). End result? No itches.

She'd heat up each bite area until the heat became uncomfortable, then she'd back off...no more than half a minute or so. She did this once or twice on each area. End result? No itch...at all.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Try deodorant on itchy welts/bumps/whatever.

Also spiders? You sure those arent bed bugs or chiggers maybe?


Try deodorant on itchy welts/bumps/whatever.

Also spiders? You sure those arent bed bugs or chiggers maybe?
Giant white webs. All over my yard. Mowed the lawn today and had...hundreds of spiders crawling over me. Not bed bugs or chiggers.


And not a single fucking one of them was radioactive.


Try deodorant on itchy welts/bumps/whatever.

Also spiders? You sure those arent bed bugs or chiggers maybe?
Giant white webs. All over my yard. Mowed the lawn today and had...hundreds of spiders crawling over me. Not bed bugs or chiggers.


And not a single fucking one of them was radioactive.


If your dog is sick with diarrhea/minor-to-mild stomach bug, then Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (Original, not chunky or anything fancy) works wonders. No dry food, none of their regular food, just some of the chicken soup, fed out over a day or two. I had a 2 year old terrier who ended up with a stomach bug and was concerned, but my vet is the old fashioned kind who is used to working on farms, called him up, he told me to try that and if there was no improvement over two days, bring her in. Low and behold, it worked. It is now my go-to method for treating stomach troubles (Not constipation) in dogs.


A Mod Real Quick
For my dog what worked was boiling chicken and white rice and that was all she could eat. Gives the dog the most rock hard shit it will ever have and at the same time they love that shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Canned pumpkin also works for that, don't get pumpkin mix, just canned pumpkin.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
To continue with Noodle's rice. Rice is mildly constipating. It's not going to cure a raging case of diarrhea overnight, but if you shit more liquid than you'd like, add some rice to your diet and that should do the trick.


Ok give me a home remedy, because I really don't want to go see a doctor again...

While I was pregnant, I would wake up with my right ear clogged (like when you get water in it) and it would remain clogged for about half the day. Every day, from about 3 months pregnant, until I gave birth. I saw doctors, they said it had to do with the pregnancy most likely and to wait and see. Sure enough, baby comes out, never deal with it again.

Until a month ago. For no reason, the right ear does it again. I wake up every morning with it clogged and it doesn't unclog until later afternoon/early evening. Every single day. It is driving me nuts. Obviously I should go see a doctor about it again, but I just haven't had the time. My first response was "oh fuck, I'm pregnant again", I'm not though.

What the hell is going on and how do I get it to stop?


I have a problem with my left ear and what my ENT calls a 'torturous ear canal', meaning that wax slowly builds up while I sleep and can cause blockages like what you are experiencing. Activity/increased blood flow to the area during the day would sometimes break it up. I just end up going into the office once or twice a month and they use a tiny little suction hose to clear the canal. You may want to look into it.

I tried flushing my ear with hot water, having someone 'blow smoke' into it from a pipe, not getting it wet at all, so on and so on. But nothing ever really worked, except the doctor and what he called his 'alligator' hose.


<Bronze Donator>
Had too much ear wax as a kid. Hydrogen peroxide solved that shit. Fanaskin recommended. I clean regularly with a qtip now. Will probably go deaf by the time I'm forty.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Speaking of hydrogen peroxide AND dogs (meta), if you need to induce vomiting, 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds incorporated into something they will eat or drink works wonders.

Our dog was gagging and licking the floor for like an hour a couple months ago so we mixed some hydrogen peroxide with milk and he puked a piece of styrofoam stuck in his throat in about 2 minutes.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
How has no one commented on Silence's hellish arachnophobia house? Mowing the lawn and having hundreds of spiders crawling on you? That sounds like some of the most horrifying shit I can imagine. Nuke it from orbit, etc.


When my nose is stuffed up I drink a shot of vodka with black pepper. Clears me right up and works better/faster than over the counter medicines.


Molten Core Raider
Migraine that won't go away? Put a drop of peppermint oil behind each earlobe.
Hungover and have a firefighter friend? Have them give you an IV.
Constipated? Smoke a cigarette.
Mosquito's biting you in bed? Sleep with a fan on, pointed towards your bed.


I've tried hydrogen peroxide, so I don't think it is any sort of build up like that. ENT doctor probably next option.


<Bronze Donator>
Migraine that won't go away? Put a drop of peppermint oil behind each earlobe.
Hungover and have a firefighter friend? Have them give you an IV.
Constipated? Smoke a cigarette.
Mosquito's biting you in bed? Sleep with a fan on, pointed towards your bed.
I'll keep the slow moving bowel, thanks.


Molten Core Raider
How has no one commented on Silence's hellish arachnophobia house? Mowing the lawn and having hundreds of spiders crawling on you? That sounds like some of the most horrifying shit I can imagine. Nuke it from orbit, etc.
Goddamn seriously. If ever, at any point I am anywhere on my property and more than 1 spider is crawling on me at any given time, I'm leaving and never coming back. Probably leaving the property in a blazing inferno as I speed away. Fuck spiders. I'd keel over from a heart attack if I was covered in them.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
One time I was mowing the law and a jumping spider parachuted on my foot, bit me then leapt off to safety. It was one of these little guys:

Regarding the blow dryer on the bug bites, a hot spoon works well too and is probably easier/less painful. Just heat up a cup of water and let the spoon sit in it. I read that the heat kills the protein that you're reacting to, but I'm surprised that temperature is that low. I also think it could be that it numbs/deadens the pain receptres but I have no idea.

I also hear it works for poison ivy.


Musty Nester
Vinegar works too, but then you're gonna smell like vinegar because you kinda have to use a lot. Works for most insect bites.

Any old GP should be able to look in your ear and see what's going on. If you've already tried peroxide and that didn't help. That should have helped if it's just excess wax.

Edit: You may just have a small ear infucktion. Whenever your little ones scream you can just go, "Twat? I cunt hear you."