I'm considering taking the dive into home ownership. The wife and I are living in the desert in California. Where we are we're paying $1200 monthly for rent. The average price on a comparable home is in the $110,000-150,000 range, which the internet tells me puts the monthly payment at anywhere from $450-700 a month. Property insurance looks like another $100-150, plus whatever homeowner's insurance is. Financially, it looks like a no-brainer to buy. Instead of paying $1200 a month, we could be paying $600-700 (I'm thinking my max price would be $140,000, hoping to find something cheaper). Sock away that extra $500 a month for home maintenance and we're in the same situation but we own the place. Rates right now are about as low as I think they'll be for the foreseeable future, and I partially feel like I should get in now.
I'm just wondering if anyone can give me any reasons Ishouldn'tbe considering buying. I work for the government, so my job is stable (or it is when Congress isn't sucking shit). I'm also looking at ~20% raises every year for the next 3 years, starting July 2013, guaranteed.
We have a dog, and it was a bitch to find a place that allowed them here. I would like to move out of the place we're in regardless, and not having to go searching for a place that allows them (and charges out the ass for it) is definitely appealing.
I'm also a veteran, so I'm tossing around the idea between a VA loan and FHA. We've got $10,000 in our emergency fund, but if I didn't have to touch that money it'd be nice. As of January, the wife is at around 805 credit and I'm at 795 or so.
At the moment, I'm thinking as long as I can find a place with no foundation, roofing, electrical, or plumbing issues, I'd be happy. A decent layout, and I'm game to renovate a good deal of it. If I could get a house for under $100,000 (there's one just down the street, FHA foreclosure), that'd leave a shit load of free cash to do stuff with.
So homeowners, what am I missing?