How many chickens are you looking to get? You live alone, right? So you don't need 30 eggs a day. If you're looking at just a handful of chickens it is entirely possible to make a coup that you can move around the yard (keep your lawn healthy). But if you're looking for something more substantial I 100% agree that something off the ground is the way to go. Make it big enough that they all get into it easily. We shut our chickens away at night. They get their evening feeding in the chicken house, and then we shut them in. We have a chicken wire outdoor coup, but ours often wander the property during the day. Not as much right now because a family of foxes has moved in. I buried the chicken wire 8" down on all sides, and stapled it to old railroad ties which we then buried. We then put another railroad tie on top of that which is above ground, making the entire parameter very sturdy at the ground level.
Separate and apart from that I have 40 laying hens in laying cages that are entirely enclosed in an indoor coup. That's strictly for eggs.
I'd advise against putting it too close to the house, because they can be noisy, even just hens. And maybe for the first time in a matter of this sort, I must disagree with

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