Homeworld 3


Avatar of War Slayer
I think the WAB guy is a RTS fan and gives it a 5.5/10. If anyone is interested in seeing the actual gameplay:

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Buzzfeed Editor
Watched enough on twitch somewhat pretty until you get to any cut scenes and it's awful animations, but the combat is retarded single button brain dead abilities and the aforementioned moving and fighting issues


Vyemm Raider
I loved Homeworld. This is not homeworld. It is mimicing the dessicated corpse of Homeworld.

It is fake,
And gay.


<Gold Donor>
A few of the "Cons":

- Lack of Ship variety
- Sizes of ships doesnt make sense
- Unit AI is retarded (The AI insists on being on the same plane as the enemy when it comes to attacking them IN SPACE)
- Every single unit in the game has some sort of activated "ability" which most of the time boils down to "Push buttan to deal more damage"
- Directional armor is gone. There is no point in using the 3D movement since the damage is the same no matter where you shoot from and the unit AI is too stupid to take advantage of the difference in elavation anyway.
- The balance with ships is all wrong. Destroyers and Battlecruisers are now "Anti-Everything" (It's even in the tooltip) as such they'll just shoot down even your strike craft with ease. (I find bombers to be useless atm) Going back to unit AI. Fighters fly around really slowly sticking 100% to their formation and doing NO EVASIVE MANOUVERS AT ALL. (Dog fights are really boring to watch)
- Capital ship subsytems are gone as are cloak generators, gravity well generators, proximity sensors and sensors distortion probes. Anything to give an edge over the enemy in strategic gameplay is just gone.
- The skirmish maps are now really tiny and use a resource system similar to Deserts of Kharak and they run out really fast. This turns the game in to really fast quick brawls when atleast in my opinion HOMEWORLD should be more slow and methodical gameplay.
Huge homeworld fan. Anyone who takes the corvette class out of the game is just a gay turbofag that never played the original games. Salvage corvettes are the cornerstone of any successful campaign. If you can't capture every single frigate and torture their crews to death, while simultaneously rescuing all 600k colonists on hardest difficulty, you should be sentenced to the gardens of kadesh with other space mongrels.

This game probably doesn't even have a kamikazi mission order, or tell you how many people are on every ship. It's your duty to know how many people you order to die for your future.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Salvage corvettes are the cornerstone of any successful campaign
So went back and replayed Homeworld over the weekend. The salvage corvettes are comically op and trivialize everything about the game.

Oh youre sending 3 destroyers and a bc at me? Thanks all but 1 of the destroyers is mine.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Gold Donor>
So went back and replayed Homeworld over the weekend. The salvage corvettes are comically op and trivialize everything about the game.

Oh youre sending 3 destroyers and a bc at me? Thanks all but 1 of the destroyers is mine.
Salvage corvettes are definitely strong, especially in the earlier levels. Later on ships/fleets can defend themselves better. But the AI definitely has faults.

Did you load up the remastered or the original game? I can't stand the ship AI in remastered. Somehow the AI got notably worse in every way between the two versions.
  • 1Truth!
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I can't stand the ship AI in remastered.

And yeah the ship AI was pretty bad at times. If I gave a squad of frigates a command to attack a squad of corvettes my frigates would just have seizures spinning around firing at random then get annihilated. If I gave an attack move order theyd actually attack and destroy things.


<Prior Amod>
if you guys actually took the time to beat the game, you'd see why it sucked
  • 2Worf
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