Homeworld Franchise


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Mixed feeling about this. That looks super awesome and I can't wait to play. But I also have to give Steam money, as it's not on GoG.


Buzzfeed Editor
Would love the ship. Broke my buy on big sale due to backlog rule. My one day of this week is release
Seemed fate. Would love to see anon gay version of pd mod for remastered which came with it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'm about six or seven missions in and really liking it. I will say that up to this point the main thing it has going for it is the Homeworld atmosphere and mood of the game. There aren't really any huge advancements in gameplay or strategies here. There is an option to use the persistent fleet or a default fleet for each map. Sound, voice acting, background chatter from units, the short animated scenes, and in game engine are all really good though. Will be putting more time in to it tonight to see where it goes.

Overall up to this point my recommendation would be if you're just a hug Homeworld franchise fan or want to support the devs go ahead and pick it up for full price. Otherwise I'd say it is probably worth waiting on for a sale. My impression is that it'll be pretty short (think they said 13 missions, and I'm at 3.9 hours at this point according to steam) and not very sure how deep it'll get in any sort of postgame or replay value. $50 is asking a lot unless something drastically changes towards the end.


Buzzfeed Editor
Wonder what kind of cool ips mods will be made for it. Stuff more heavily about vehicles id think. So warhammrr would have to be almost epic scale because I don't see infantry being added in smoothly.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Saw complaints on Steam there wasn't much available yet about modding capability, that change?

Overall sounds like kind of a small game. 2 factions, 5 skirmish maps?

Will be watching some gameplay and looking forward to how it evolves post-launch for sure.


Murder Apologist
Very much digging this... it's almost all entirely homeworld fan-service and lore. Prolly a setup for a reinvigoration of the franchise.

Feels way easier than the originals tho. Sign of the times.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't know how twitch got big. I can't stand watching almost any "caster" because they are all a combo of either horrible or vapid and inane with stupid commentary or grading 40 yr old Virgin voices.

But again I guess that's your average gamer which speaks me. Same retards you had to carry 40%of them in old 40 man raids and are the 2-20 crowd in shooters.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
In some ways it is easier and in others not. Namely salvage isn't as ridiculously imbalanced in this. But if you can keep a group of assault vehicles or ships up to Lt. Commander or Commander level and in front of some upgraded support they're rip through almost anything.


<Silver Donator>
All I ever play in RTS games is skirmish.

Is there any customization on individual units(like changing wtfCANNONS to omgLAZERS)?

Control group tactics, like flanking or looped patrol routes?

Is your only option to spread out for resources, or can you hunker down behind walls and build a castle?


<Silver Donator>
40 minutes played. Just requested a refund. I'll be damned if I spend the last of my steam credit on this shit.


Trump's Staff
I am extremely disappointed in the game, and do not in any way recommend it. It is easy, boring, has extremely uninteresting gameplay, and absolutely terrible controls. The story isn't good, has terrible voice acting, and doesn't draw you in at all. The shipbreaking mechanic is utterly pointless and annoying, and the campaign has no interesting gameplay elements. I Alt-F4ed the game just now in frustration because half my army got wiped outDURING THE CINEMATICof a group of enemies appearing. Fuck you.

The game feels exactly like an RTS made in 1999, and not in a good way. There is just so much more they could have done, and so many concepts they could have borrowed from games that came later. Homeworld should have been the base of the game, not the entirety of it.

I'd say the only good thing about it is the music.


<Silver Donator>
Game would not allow me to change the graphics settings from low, saying that it would cause instability. I have an i7, 16gb of ram and a 970?

Also couldn't change key bindings. 1.5 skirmish matches, game looked like smashed dogshit. Would not recommend.


Murder Apologist
I'm enjoying the campaign so far but yeah it's waaay too easy. It's kinda weird because there's so many nods to Homeworld (even Kiith Soban from Cataclysm is mentioned!) but the underlying challenge of the original games isn't there.

For me the much of feel of the original campaign was being spare with your resources and making decisions on whether to capture or destroy enemy ships. In a way it brought the NARRATIVE of a desperate journey into the actual campaign gameplay, which was revolutionary.

I guess they felt that sort of difficulty is out of place in a modern RTS?


Buzzfeed Editor
See, dirty casuals ruined it for everyone.

Bet if you google it, find mouth breathers stuck on some of the missions.

FWIW I havnt launched it yet, trying to finish fallout (hate grown up responsibilities), for me, I'm largely satisfied as long as it has good ambience and otherwise feels good and homeworldy. Even if it's easy, sometimes something not a constant kick in the nuts is nice. Granted if AI as dumb as you say agree that's suck. Playing it more as a nostalgia peice like when you watch a movie you havnt seen in 20 years. Unfortunately, I dont doubt for some, it doesn't hold up to time and just sucks. (Happened with my and Labyrinth.)


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Its great, loved it, didn't have any issues denaut or bandwagon did, but have also read on steam with others having similar problems.

Like I tried to say earlier it is definitely not a $50 title. It is short, easy, and lacking a ton of depth. But it does retain the Homeworld feels, which could be a bad thing since it is rooted in very old RTS elements. Hopefully it kicks off something more involved with the franchise.