Horror Movies


Vyemm Raider
Looking for some good recommendations - i've gone through most of the yearly list on reddit - ideally it would be movies where people DONT survive, enough of that shit - I do like found footage but i think i've seen 90% of them if not all.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm assuming you have seen the usuals like Martyrs and A serbian Film

August Undergorund - You said you have seen most of the found footage films. This is one of those though.

There are survivors though. I put the full link because there are a ton of The Hunt movies. Not a typical horror with gore etc. RL horror

I saw the Devil (2010) - Pretty nuts Korean horror sorta.

Grotesque (2009) - Lotsa detail in the horror.

Anyhow, just some ideas off the top of my head.
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Millie's Staff Member
i think we have a few horror movie threads already.
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Vyemm Raider
i think we have a few horror movie threads already.
oh thanks for this - i looked for horror but ive never been able to immerse myself in horror/comedy but this thread will be useful.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
A few recent recommendations.

A classic

And the scariest thing I watched last year.

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Vyemm Raider
Barbarian and Evil Lurks were great, ive seen most of the others - I tend to not watch much of zombie films because they dont tend to get eerie enough. Would be nice to come across some good jump scares.
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<Silver Donator>
I just got done watching The Empty Man. It was pretty damn good. Movie sort of shifts gears quite a bit, but I really enjoyed the fact it was something somewhat and I didn't necessarily know where the directions going.

I highly suggest watching it.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Barbarian and Evil Lurks were great, ive seen most of the others - I tend to not watch much of zombie films because they dont tend to get eerie enough. Would be nice to come across some good jump scares.
One cut of the dead is nothing like any zombie movie you have ever seen.
  • 3Solidarity
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<Gold Donor>
Barbarian and Evil Lurks were great, ive seen most of the others - I tend to not watch much of zombie films because they dont tend to get eerie enough. Would be nice to come across some good jump scares.
The other movie from the director of When Evil Lurks is really good as well, Terrified . The Breach ended up being pretty good and the first movie by the guy who directed Oddity is a good one, Caveat

You probably can't go wrong with much on Shudder, they've curated a really incredible collection of horror movies and there are only maybe a dozen or so duds out of their entire list of titles

Mr Jones
Broadcast Signal Intrusion
Everyone Will Burn
The Pond
The Seeding
Loop Track
The Suffering

I randomly found this on ScreamBOX and it was a hidden gem, didn't expect much out of it but it turned out to be one of my favorites of the year, Visitors
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<Silver Donator>
The other movie from the director of When Evil Lurks is really good as well, Terrified . The Breach ended up being pretty good and the first movie by the guy who directed Oddity is a good one, Caveat

You probably can't go wrong with much on Shudder, they've curated a really incredible collection of horror movies and there are only maybe a dozen or so duds out of their entire list of titles

Mr Jones
Broadcast Signal Intrusion
Everyone Will Burn
The Pond
The Seeding
Loop Track
The Suffering

I randomly found this on ScreamBOX and it was a hidden gem, didn't expect much out of it but it turned out to be one of my favorites of the year, Visitors
The Breach was pretty bad. I watched it because I realized it was a film adaptation of a Nick Cutter horror novel. Books not long whatsoever, but it's really good. Film kinda captured some of it, but it was just too damn low budget.

If you read, I suggest you check it out, especially the audio version, great performance. It's much deeper than what was in the film, there was a whole other bigger element that was left out which would have been awesome in a movie.


<Gold Donor>
The Breach was pretty bad. I watched it because I realized it was a film adaptation of a Nick Cutter horror novel. Books not long whatsoever, but it's really good. Film kinda captured some of it, but it was just too damn low budget.

If you read, I suggest you check it out, especially the audio version, great performance. It's much deeper than what was in the film, there was a whole other bigger element that was left out which would have been awesome in a movie.
Does the book have the completely unrelated conspiracy theory guy peppered into it like the movie? Having the guitar player from Rush show up as a scientist talking about MK Ultra for no reason was kind of fun
  • 1Worf
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<Bronze Donator>
As the premier horror fan on this site.... I've seen most everything and run into the same problem of looking for new horror.

Putting the requirement that EVERYONE dies might be too much. How about only some survive?

New on Shudder is Arcadia. One thing I'll say about this movie is the monsters are some of the scariest/unnerving ones I've seen in a long time, so check it out.
  • 1Cringe
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<Silver Donator>
Does the book have the completely unrelated conspiracy theory guy peppered into it like the movie? Having the guitar player from Rush show up as a scientist talking about MK Ultra for no reason was kind of fun
You mean Alex Lifeson. I know when I saw that I was like what the hell. Now there's nothing about that. I thought that was actually pretty hilarious, I'm guessing it was a Canadian based film, and if I had a guess Cutter might be one as well. I think that's actually a pseudonym though.

Now the book actually has stuff about the Philadelphia experiment. It's really good, if you at least enjoyed the movie to some degree, you probably love the book. All of his stuff is been really good though, and I know I've mentioned his works in another book thread before.

If he actually got a decent higher budget movie treatment, or decent mini series, would probably do his stuff more Justice.
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<Silver Donator>
As the premier horror fan on this site.... I've seen most everything and run into the same problem of looking for new horror.

Putting the requirement that EVERYONE dies might be too much. How about only some survive?

New on Shudder is Arcadia. One thing I'll say about this movie is the monsters are some of the scariest/unnerving ones I've seen in a long time, so check it out.
It wasn't too bad. I agree about the monsters just being pretty creative and weird. I enjoyed the movie all in all.


Looking for some good recommendations - i've gone through most of the yearly list on reddit - ideally it would be movies where people DONT survive, enough of that shit - I do like found footage but i think i've seen 90% of them if not all.

Here is a decent list that other people have no recommended so far, some will have your preference where the protagonist dies, I wont spoil which but these are all at least decent.

I liked both of these. YMMV, but they are gore fests that while not faithful to the originals take the source material into a darker more serious direction. Rise has by far the best deadite performance including the Raimi ones.

Stephen Lang fucks up dumb kids

Creep factor high. Australian production

Horror atmosphere to the max, director parlayed this into Evil Dead Rise

Home invasions your thing?

Nic Cage in a HP Lovecraft body horror wombo combo? Sign everyone the fuck up. This movie stands out in its cinematography and direction, and while not maximum Nic Cage he leans into it good.

Did you know Sam Raimi made horror movies within the past 15 years? Most people don't. You know what you are getting here

Fuck this movie. Don't watch it if you have claustrophobia. Watch directors cut for maximum fuck you.

You said you have seen most found footage ones. I am adding this here as its what I consider one of the best incase you missed it since its Spanish

Oh Elit Roth..never change. Or if you hate this movie maybe he should. Cannibal-mania as college kids run into a tribe of em.

Somewhat meta, this movie came out of nowhere and blew me away

You have probably seen this, but if not...watch this movie

Maybe not one everyone considers a horror, but it is. Nazi Patrick Stewart.

The launch of Scott Derrickson. Some stellar work in what could have been a boring studio horror film

Modern Scott Derrickson. This is excellent and makes Ethan Hawke look gross.

This film really worked for me, I think its right up your alley. Really good creep factor and I love the "lost in woods" horror genre

This is surprisingly good, and you will be surprised how much it fills your criteria

This looks retarded but isnt. Dont ask me how.

I love shit like this. You may not. Its Japanese. It's not what you think its going to be.

Gareth Edwards start before he got into Godzilla, Rogue One, etc. This is a horror monster movie in the strictest sense. Its really not bad

Not strictly horror but Dan Stevens is....The Terminator

I try not to recc this as I like weird ass shit. Nicolas Winding Refn, so its style over substance but if you are into that sometimes do it.

What is real? Not sure the director knew either but can you watch these three in order and have a fun night. Drugs optional but reccomended.

Ultimate Cronenberg. Pretty sure RLM Jay noped out of this

Cronenberg's kid is well on his way to making body horror films forever, both are good

Anyways I can always recommend more, my wife and I collection is stupid big and has everything. I tried to keep it to English / NA film, some people really do not like South Korean or Japanese horror.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
You're Next is one of the best home invasion movies made. The final girl is a badass and has a solid back ground for why.