I find it so disturbing how so many people hate the women in these types of shows (Breaking Bad, House of Cards, The Shield, Sons of Anarchy, etc). Is rooting for the success of the anti-hero bad guy really what drives the interest in these shows?
Dear lord, you're not one of those SJW, fags are you?
take that faggie shit to the gamergate thread.
If a character is hated on, it's cuz the character:
1.is written badly
most of us want a good show, believe it or not, we'd think that if we were to spend 10hours on a show, we'd like some of the materials, and that would mean some of the characters.
i mean good lord of the pathetic list of shows you listed, there aren't many redeeming woman characters.
for BB you only really had skylar - a waitress who banged a rocket scientist into retirement, they aren't on level playing fields when you compare them, whose left?
marie? the baren selfish klepto sister?
HoC turned to shit this season with Claire, s1 and maybe s2, you could see she was a good pillar of support and strength for frank, this season they just amped up her menopause to 11 to hide shitty writing.
any other women in HoC that remotely mattered? nope
You really fucked up w/ saying the shield, what the fuck were you watching, if you didn't that Claudette wasn't fucking awesome. Her scenes were so power that they had to try to match that by having dutch go ape shit and strangle a dog. Claudette was really the only person, not just woman that could come close to busting up scenes with vick.
Unless you want to just bring up danni and corrine and you realize that their sole purpose is vicks fuck buddy and the mother of his children. The show is centered around the strike team, if you were watching the series, Claudette was just powerful enough to be on equal footing with vick.
SoA - bad writing, it's a shit show with a shit, with kurt sutter who highlighted his shit wife so much he was grasping at thin straws to try to get some semblance of a story. the woman character that was interesting and showed promise, Tara, was killed b/c, well we had to pay attention to Peg Bundy, you really can't defend or say thing good about SoA, unless you're a retard or you like bikes.
A lot of shows are written poor, or you're not supposed to like them. Seriously wtf liked skylar? (she gets props for acting great in s5, he 1000yard stares were awesome) but you can say that, BB is also anti handicapped since no one cared for Walt Jr, everyone recognized he was so useless in the show that Breakfast Walt, really is what he is, decoration.
No you should not be disturb by the apparent hate you see for women in shows, you just lack sensing good taste.