Regimen Morum
looks like an entire black family and one old white bitch
"House of Mixed-ish"

looks like an entire black family and one old white bitch
Maybe Alinity will do a cameo nude, kinda like Ed Sheeran did his thing.I missed that this was a coal burner family, I thought it was just a random diversity casting
I can see their clownlogic in giving the halfbreed kids black skin but white hair. But how the fuck do they explain the black dude (presumably the husband who married into the family) white targaryan hair too?
I will add, it looks about as believable on them as it did on Emilia Clark. I see theyre still going with the "white hair but huge black bushy eyebrows" thing. Guess there are no real blondes in Hollywood to use as a reference?
at some point the show has to show all the black people getting massacred by the people of westeros, cuz you know, Game of Thrones had zero non white people for the first like 4 seasons lol
oh wait they will probably hop on a dragon and fly to Wakanda, won't they, setting up the next sequel
i think the turning point was when sansa got raped
Congratulations, you finally made an accurate post.
We wez KANGS! Wit Draguns!looks like an entire black family and one old white bitch
if there were black Valaryions in Valaria, then there would be black valarions in westeros when they crossed over. and there wasnt.Black people were from the Summer Isles and maybe Sothrythos, Westeros was roughly analogous to Earth in where different racial groups were from.
Doing this is a world building shortcut that every fantasy does because you can't write anything as complex as real life history.
House Velaryon in the lore were Valerians the same as the Targaryans and lived on an island near Dragonstone. They intermarried A LOT. So if they were inexplicably black, the silver hair pale skin genes must have been dominant over the weak black genes lol.
The side they are on, with "Velaryon" (The black guy most prominent in the trailer) does get massacred. They are the ones who lose the civil war.
Of course, they were white until this show reminded us who the Kangs were. (You can see Velaryon in the first video below--white, of course, because the whole 'he was from the summer isles' is a huge retcon to add diversity to the show)
That's pretty much going to be the story if you don't care about spoilers.
What is this animation and video original from and created for? It is narrated by the cast of the show and way too high quality to be a random youtuber.