How do you prefer your steak?

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FPS noob
buncha awesome stuff
wow, thanks for the info I'll read it over the weekend to try out some of your suggestions. Do you really like Modern Cuisine? The story behind that is pretty amazing, CTO of Microsoft spends a shitload of his own money after retiring to write the definitive cooking handbook, heard its amazing. There are a few torrents of the things out, I got a copy but haven't opened it yet. Its like $600 retail to buy the book set so haven't really seriously thought about it.


Millie's Staff Member
holy shit...

lol, be careful that steak is so rare it might take a bite out of you!


Vyemm Raider
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Trakanon Raider
Depends entirely on the Cut. Some should be eaten Rare (tenderloin) some cuts are better MR-Medium, Anyone who eats a bone in Rib-Eye Rare or Blue is an idiot. It should be cooked medium to give the high fat content a chance to render.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I eat a lot of pork chops, but mostly because its cheaper and leaner/healthier than beef. Otherwise, I'd eat beef every day of my life. I don't know what constitutes a great pork chop, but I've had chops and tenderloin at plenty of decent restaurants and it still doesn't compare to steak. For one thing, its cooked through, so no matter how perfectly you avoid drying it out and keeping some juice in it a pork chop will never fully compare to a nice rare/medium rare steak to me.
Marinate some chops in some soy sauce for an hour and you will get the juiciest chops around. Honestly though... Just be patient and don't cook them too quickly too hot and they'll be plenty juicy. People make dry chips because they cook them like beef and you can't do that