How do you recognize a stoned gargoyle?

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Riddle me this...
Pretty much, we're a bitter angry bunch. Also, we give no shits about someones 1337 skillz on some 15+ year old game. Maybe if it was still relevant, honestly even then you would still get treated like shit. You seem simple.


Riddle me this...
Yes, luckily the mods are so corrupt that we can give them cake pops and they would deem UO illegal.
Yes, I have noticed how hypocritical and biased they are, and how rampant and high up the corruption goes, even to Tuco himself.

How is it, may I ask, that other UO free shards have posted advertisements here, and their threads remain in the MMO forum, and they are unmolested for the most part?

I cite three thread examples:

's advertisement here
[url=showthreadb5c7.html?4843-Ultima-Online-UO-An-Corp-All-the-IPY-T2A-pvp-goodness-with-none-of-the-AZ&highlight=ultima+online+corp]Ultima Online An Corp
's advertisement here
Ultima Online Renaissance's advertisement here

My advertisement was in the form of personal story, and appeal to the roleplayer. These examples I have cited are not much different. An Corp's is way longer and doesn't try to hide the fact that it is an advertisement at all, and yet it remains in theMMORPG General Discussionforum on the front page, mind you.

I think you guys may have received something from the other shards and therefore seem biased against someone who has not donated money to your forum. But if that isn't the case, then why are you treating this Shard I am promoting with such hate and disrespect?

I am calling you out. What is your justification for your actions?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pretty sure nobody has anything against the shard you're representing. The issue is with the tool representing the shard.


Musty Nester
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