I already stated well prior to that post what my criteria were for stopping posting over there.
And I've known since Monday that would be towards the end of the week. I have a "no man left behind" mentality on the move, because that was required to prevent the biggest almost legitimate complaint about moving that could be leveraged, which was "We might lose some good posters in the process".
From my point of view, all this stuff you all were doing in terms of complaining about my continuing to post over there, especially the throwing yourselves up on crucifixes and declaring how I'm molesting you by continuing to post over there to try and talk the last few retards out of their bomb shelters, is just you guys being butthurt antagonists for not much reason.
Itzena started that shit on Day 1, and you think coming up with it on Day 6 is somehow relevant or I don't even know what the point you all really think you're trying to make by bitching about.....my continuing to try and convince as many people as possible, even the last desperate hold outs, to switch....is, actually.
Its just the same stupid incessant, high pitched, whining noise anyone hears from the peanut gallery on the internet.