you look like a god damn moran please take that jacket off and return it to old navyAlexTheDictator said:I would never buy any article of clothing without trying it on first. Just go to a decent second hand store. They always have plenty of balling leather jackets.
I bought this one from a place for $35. Excuse the shitty quality of the pic. Fucking camera phone.
finally, someone around here with some style.Ryanz said:Swank ass jacket bra. Take that shit to a tailor or something and get it fixed up. How hard could it be to replace/fix zippers?
Chuk Astrocreep said:You look like richard dreyfus in close encounters. Have any odd sculptures in your living room?
Keg so who"s the Fatass now? 44? Tub of shIt.Plaid said:That"s nice, for a fat guy.