Oh my fucking god dude, yeah it's me, it's totally me not you at all.
Didn't realize I'm talking to Gaia, the forces of nature incarnate and the past ten years you've been in a constant state of wilting and decay because pollution and pollution is not the way.
It's a false notion to assume that the chicken came before the egg, ie: that the forces were designed to keep population in check; that's the way you wrote it.
So over the past 10 years you learned about one thing, the potential for mass extinction and that's it. No girlfriend, no job, no huge life altering event. You're just an eternal asexual guardian of nature with no other priorities and you make a point to announce that wherever you go.
Maybe in 10 years you'll discover tits.
This is a list of shit you did. Not how you have changed. I'm guessing the intellectual growth list is 1 line long.
This is just the fucking brain drain going this forum- "gained Perspective" , Lost weight/put on muscle - those would all constitute changes some physically measurable.
Fucking 16 year old brat, literally arguing for the sake of trying to win an un-winnable argument.
Just stupid, forget I even bothered you go back to being boring and pointless dude. I don't care enough to ask anymore, keep it all bottled up.