How have you changed in the last decade?

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tour de salt
You were whining, and you're still whining. That's all you're doing.
No I'm refuting the shit you keep slathering on this thread.

Now you're espousing a message for Greenpeace about a time that hasn't even happened yet, in a thread that's about the last 10 years of your life. Thank you Al Gore, we wanted your completely vague ambiguous notion on overpopulation and environmental destruction in a thread about what has happened toyou(not the planet!) in the last 10 years.
No, no, I'm not. I didn't mention any message for greenpeace I don't even support them. Al gore? Simply bringing up his name red flags you as a shitfuck moron. It's not Al gore/greenpeace, or whatever the fuck you were getting at, to say that were in a man-made extinction event, and the oceans are dying, we're changing the atmosphere, and poisoning our freshwater. It's fact. All I said is that in the last ten years of my life I have learned of/come to grips with staring down Holocene extinction and mankind's fate.

I took Western Civ I and II also, it's really not relevant to the thread unless you're working on becoming a Historian. Also you're creating a false notion that the bad stuff that kept us "in check" was some type of divine all powerful natural enforcing feature, when it was just diseases trying to survive, less advanced Agricultural technologies, unavoidable disasters, less evolved ethics, and bad diplomacy.
How is it a false notion that disease, primitive tech, disasters, etc kept our population in check? I'm not pretending any of those forces we're divine. Homo sapiens have lived here for 200,000 years, we're about to have ruined the ability to continue living here in only 300.


tour de salt
Graduated with a 2 year degree

Moved out of my parents house

Lost weight

Made friends

Graduated with a 4 year degree

Got Job

Moved again

Lost desire to play video games

Had relationships, ended relationships

Lost Job

Moved again

gained perspective

Put on Muscle

Got Job

Had relationships, ended relationships

Moved again

Lost Job

Spent 6 months training with military program to become an Officer

Lost weight, put on muscle

Didn't join the Military

Got job

Started training in Muay Thai And BJJ, became addicted

Started applying to a bunch of jobs I wanted

Moved again

Got Job Offer

9 months into Job

Training, Muay Thai and BJJ a bit over a year now

Lost weight - put on weight - lost weight - such is the nature of weight cutting.

Computer Programmer
This is a list of shit you did. Not how you have changed. I'm guessing the intellectual growth list is 1 line long.


Shit Lord Supreme
Oh my fucking god dude, yeah it's me, it's totally me not you at all.

Didn't realize I'm talking to Gaia, the forces of nature incarnate and the past ten years you've been in a constant state of wilting and decay because pollution and pollution is not the way.

It's a false notion to assume that the chicken came before the egg, ie: that the forces were designed to keep population in check; that's the way you wrote it.

So over the past 10 years you learned about one thing, the potential for mass extinction and that's it. No girlfriend, no job, no huge life altering event. You're just an eternal asexual guardian of nature with no other priorities and you make a point to announce that wherever you go.

Maybe in 10 years you'll discover tits.

This is a list of shit you did. Not how you have changed. I'm guessing the intellectual growth list is 1 line long.
This is just the fucking brain drain going this forum- "gained Perspective" , Lost weight/put on muscle - those would all constitute changes some physically measurable.

Fucking 16 year old brat, literally arguing for the sake of trying to win an un-winnable argument.

Just stupid, forget I even bothered you go back to being boring and pointless dude. I don't care enough to ask anymore, keep it all bottled up.


Musty Nester
I never used to people watch. I do remember going on a few dates with a girl around 10 years ago. Never amounted to anything. I remember it because when we went out most of what she wanted to do was people watch -- and I didn't get it. It bored me, actually. I just wanted to play with her boobies.

But there's a change. 10 years later -- I understand the appeal of peoplewatching. It's fascinating how things can go so weird. But you have to have a context.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I got a lot angrier and less tolerant of stupid people.
I can relate. Although I've become a lot less tolerant of all people. I hate crowded places, I hate noisy bars, I hate idiot drivers, I hate people who waste my time, I hate lazy people, I hate entitled people, etc etc.

I didn't used to be like this. Damn you world.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I peoplewatch most evenings. Via the internet. Usually women. Naked women. Having sex together. Ok, I watch porn. But pornstars are people, right?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't know about the last 10 years, but in the last 10 minutes of reading this thread I've learned to hate some of you!


Molten Core Raider
I don't know about the last 10 years, but in the last 10 minutes of reading this thread I've learned to hate some of you!
How do you not hate them already? I mean, this is an internet forum, right?
