How I Met Your Mother


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: How I Met Your Mother

Genre: Comedy

First aired: 2005-09-19

Creator: Carter Bays, Craig Thomas

Cast: Josh Radnor, Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Segel, Alyson Hannigan, Cobie Smulders, Cristin Milioti, Bob Saget

Overview: A father recounts to his children - through a series of flashbacks - the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.


SA summed it up really well *Robin voice* "Nobody asked you for another season Patrice!"

You know damn well they won't use that time wisely, it's just another season of filler inc. Bilson is back for an episode soon after it starts back up again, if memory serves wasn't she the room-mate of the mother? We might get another 2millimetres of plot development in that direction before we get 5 more episodes of Robin & Barney "will they/won't they" nonsense when we saw they were getting ready to be married around 1.5 seasons ago.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, this is actually terrible news. It is funny that this is one of the few shows where more seasons is detrimental.

Yes, Bilson is the roommate, which means that we get to see Bilson some more, and that's a good thing...but yeah, beyond that who gives a shit anymore? Unless they start doing just outlandishly crazy shit just for the fuck of it, furthering the story just got postponed for another full year from today, at least.

And I don't think there is a person on the internet that doesn't believe we'll only see her in the last five minutes of the final show anyway, so no matter how much "build up" they do it won't matter for shit except that last episode.


Another season is the worst possible news. Frankly, Ted Mosby is my least favorite character in the entire show, and lately his moping around has made me honestly hate him. I sat through seven seasons of his jackassery for the awesome supporting cast. Back in season one, I was rooting for him because he was pursuing another character that I liked. Now when the mother is clearly going to be some random introduced in the last few minutes of the series finale, I can't bring myself to give a shit. And even if they devote an entire season to letting us get to know the mother, it's still a good 2-3 seasons too late.

Unless there's some hugely consequential stuff going on with the supporting cast in the final season, I'll probably just wait until the actress who plays the mother is revealed, google her and decide if she's hot or not, and that will conclude my interest in the show.

Edit: And the more I think about it, the more I think the setup has been flawed from the start. I kind of wish there had been clues along the way as to who the mother is so people could try to figure it out. But this season made it clear that even the producers don't know who the Mother is yet.


While I love the show and don't want it to end, plotwise it needed to wrap everything up already. I HATE the fact that it's the second to last season and Ted was STILL on the borderline about Robin... that back and forth shit with him and her pisses me off. I think Robin and Barney were an awesome couple but of course the shows major funnies came from single Barney and his zany adventures so that's why the producers ended that relationship, so maybe now that the show is ending they will actually keep them together.


Why would they? They will cast the Mother for the 5 minute live tv insert they'll use at the end of next season.

"And then kids, next day I went to the Dry Cleaners and this beautiful girl I'd never seen before was in front of me in the queue. That's How I Met Your Mother."

*scene cuts back to both kids dead in the same style as the chap telling his life story on Airplane*

9 seasons at 20ish episodes times 22 minutes or so an episode, that's a lot of story telling.


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
Just got around to watching the first few episodes of this season. WOW the quality of the writing has gone to shit- even compared to last season.

A shame to see another decent show dragged out until it's unwatchable.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Convenient enough that the wedding is at the start of this summer - dare I say we'll get yet another cliffhanger at that time?


Weren't they supposed to wrap it up this year and thus that is why they are getting close to showing the mother but for some reason the network renewed them for another year?


Throbbing Member
They thought this was gonna be the last season, but they set the finale ep to go two ways in case of renewal.


Throbbing Member
I wonder if they are gonna have a season with the Mother being added to the current cast. Having it lead up to Ted's wedding as the series finale episode. I know if it was gonna end this season they were just gonna have it end with Ted meeting the Mother.


My guess is the mother got sick and that's a substitute bass player. :/
That's called 'prolonging the agony'. They need to just put this to bed. The cast look bored to tears half the time.
Ofc the minute they reveal who the actress playing the mother is the ratings are going to tank


Yeah once Segal signed up a few weeks ago it was a done deal.

At least there is zero chance of season 10, Smulders will be in a series of Avengers related movies and the SHIELD TV show etc and Segal is signing up for a bunch of stuff.

I know I'm in the minority but I'm not actually a big fan of Segal, I'd rank him well behind NPH. I've always liked Hannigan from her Buffy days onwards and Smulders does a decent job with her often weak material. Radnor is apparently as big a numpty outside of the show as he is in it at least so Segal isn't dead last


<Gold Donor>
I'm not a fan of Segal either. I don't hate him, but you could probably copy/paste any performance of his into a different one and you wouldn't realize it was from a completely different show/movie. NPH is really the only one on the show that I like. Except for Quinn, but she's gone


Trakanon Raider
NPH is undeniably awesome.
And I've loved everything I've seen Segel in. If it's just him playing himself, then that's what I like...and I'm ok with that.
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