Hey VP Guy,
Thanks for all of the time and effort you've put into understanding our business and product. It's been a really tough road, with blood, sweat, and tears, but hopefully in the next year our sales process will start paying off and it's encouraging that companies like X believe in what we're doing.
I think at this time it's hard for me to wrap my mind around the upside on a deal with X.
In my mind this is the direction we seem to be going:
- X acquires a majority share of Y
- All money will go toward developing the software
- X will reap the majority of the reward for all of the hard work we've put into creating value for the industry
- X will ultimately get the credit for any long term improvement the industry gets from our product
- X will acqui-hire me to focus on their products
- I think a shift of focus from Timber App's logistics solutions will totally miss an opportunity and a big need that's been growing in the industry for the last 2 - 3 years
- It's not a very exciting proposition, as I'm not familiar with any future projects X is pursuing (maybe this is my fault for not asking enough questions)
- This process has taken a lot of time and effort to seemingly only benefit X in the long run
- We have a real need and a real direction to pursue, but the focus of X's due diligence seems to be more of a defensive pursuit than a pursuit for the benefit of my dad, me, or Y
I know that I said I was open to anything, but as I've thought about it, this isn't the case.
I have a specific vision. I have a big vision. And I want to get to where I want to go and at this point I'm not sure I see a very big upside for us partnering with X, even if that means our company dies. And I'm not sure X believes in me or my product.
I have a ton of respect for what you're doing and CEO and CTO's ability to grow an incredibly successful company. None of these accomplishments are lost on me.
I wish you guys good luck in finding companies to partner with, but at this time I don't understand how a deal with Xwould be mutually beneficial in the long run.