In a startling revelation, Tuco finally confesses to having alt accounts. He is both Draegon and Brad. He has a completed, fully functional, ready for release game. It isn't Pantheon, but it is an updated version of Leisure Suit Larry. The entire community begins to play, and can't stop. Everyone loses their jobs, their families leave, and we all descend toward suicidal thoughts.
Then it is made known that a_skeleton_03 is tanoomba, and hodj is her son who lives in the basement and screams at suinoomba to bring him meatloaf. Dr. Mario is a side-piece of ass for suinoomba who is actually married to tarrant. tarrant hits them when he drinks.
In an unpublicized move, suinoomba sells the site to J49 who turns it into a find-places-to-buy-heroine-and-good-places-to-bang-at-the-waterfront site. Many confused rererollers end up stoned and dead by the Jersey water-front. The community panics and scatters. Homeland Security shuts the site doown, and J49 develops an AIDS immunity that he is able to duplicate, patent, and sell for a vast fortune. He purchases a 30 bedroom home and fills it with heroine addicted whores that he and his wife have sex with on a rotating basis. Most often the sex is had in a car in their considerable carriage house.
To sum up, we all die except Johnny.