To give a little more background, I had been working for USPS (computers, not delivering). The hours had become very inconsistent and promotion to a higher GS level was getting further away rather than closer due to recent software improvements (computers takin' my job). Since promotion to a higher GS level was the main reason I had even been keeping the job, I resigned. Then I packed up a few things and headed down. Planning to move the rest of my shit over the next few months.
I'm currently staying with a very good friend of mine who is also staking me at no charge until I get up and running, so that mitigates a lot of the risk for me. He's starting me off playing PLO. My friends have been extremely successful for over a decade (when I last played) and they don't do the degenerate gambling thing. They've been trying to get me to move down and play again for a long time.
You should team up with @Lumi and

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