Infinite Crisis - Warner Bros/DC try to cash in on LoL/DOTA popularity

an accordion_sl

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Unveils Infinite Crisis

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced Infinite Crisis, an all-new multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Turbine, the award winning studio behind free-to-play online games including The Lord of the Rings Online. Infinite Crisis is a free-to-play game that features a deep roster of DC Comics characters and is scheduled for release in 2013 for the PC.

Infinite Crisis is a new entrant into the wildly popular MOBA genre that delivers a heart-pounding competitive player vs. player battle experience set in the legendary DC Multiverse - a world in which familiar DC Comics characters have been reimagined in startling ways. Featuring a wide variety of DC Comics heroes and villains, Infinite Crisis puts players in control of twisted incarnations of their favourite characters throughout the Multiverse such as Nightmare Batman and Gaslight Catwoman, playing in league with well-known characters including Green Lantern and The Flash.

"We are thrilled to bring Infinite Crisis, a truly competitive experience featuring the DC Comics lore and characters, to the MOBA genre," said Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. "Turbine is a pioneer in online gaming and combined with the amazing world of DC Comics, they are executing on a game concept that expands the MOBA genre."

"The Turbine team is very excited to reveal Infinite Crisis to the world and extend the MOBA genre with new features," said Jeffrey Steefel, Executive Producer, Turbine. "We are utilizing years of experience in the online game space to deliver innovations to the MOBA genre with a game that features fast-paced action, a major story arc, destructible environments, catastrophic events and a deep roster of iconic DC Comics characters."



looks fucking terrible and they should be embarrassed for attempting this
+ it will fail cuz turbine






Molten Core Raider
its gonna be shit but if done by the right people id probably play a 3d version of a moba, i know smite is something like this i think.

first pic = WB version of pudge?


<Gold Donor>
Got into the stress test for later today, I guess that means I also get closed beta invite when they send the next round out.


Trakanon Raider
Please keep updated Oblio, want to know if this turns out to be decent.


<Gold Donor>
I will give you my honest feedback, but you all should know I have never played DOTA or LOL or any games like this.


Tranny Chaser
Also got the stress test and now closed beta invites for this. Amusing since I am very nearly the worst DOTA player on the planet having only ever played LoL or DOTA2 a handful of times.

One thing I can say for this is that it changes up the whole 'lanes' concept a bit.


<Gold Donor>
The only available map right now is, pretty much, a straight up copy of League of Legends dominion.
They have announced another map recently that sounds like a copy of the 3v3 map from League of Legends.
The overall feel of the game is that of a straight up copy of League of Legends.

The game, as it stands, is nearly unplayable for me, as I have to deal with a 2s delay on any order I give my hero.
However, from what I have gathered in game chat, this is not a common problem.
I am from Europe so maybe its related to the location of the server, but still... I can play dota or LoL on US servers with something like 100ish ms latencies. This feels absurd.

As far as heroes go, I have only used a few and didn't really play that much due to my technical problems.
There are about a dozen heroes available right now, they don't feel like straight up copies of LoL champions, but they would fit just fine in LoL.

All that said, even with the 2s delay I found the game a bit enjoyable, I don't really see what it brings to the table with LoL and Dota 2.
If you are looking for something different this isn't it, but if you really like LoL and the DC universe this game might be good for you.


I was in the stress test, closed beta as well. Im a fairly active LoL player. Not impressed with this at all. Didnt feel as responsive as LoL, which is sorta a big deal. And it wasnt a lag issue, just stiff animation/response to hitting abilities and the like. Its a pass from me for sure.


Vyemm Raider
This game was extremely boring when i was in the BETA. I cannot believe it could make a drastic enough change to warrant playing it again.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm in the full on beta, it's by far the worst iteration of a MOBA I've ever played. The skills are unoriginal and bland, skill shots somehow miss when going directly through someone, there is no consequence at all since you can easily get away from players due to the lack of lock down, everything's toned down to be equal just like LoL to support low skill level players. The items are all passives with no clickies because god forbid players have to think to do something. I played a couple games, one as wonder woman, one as Joke, one as Zatanna. Easily shit stomped the other team all while my team was of course spamming obscenities in party and there's no report/ignore feature. As a DOTA player the responses were fine, the animations were fine except sometimes they would desynch from your character and be running all fucking cock eye and weird. The fog of war makes no sense.

3/10, easily the worst moba I've ever played.

Edit: fucking lol @ the deny question. Not even close, there's not even a point in last hitting, it drops coins on the ground if you don't get the last hit that are worth the same amount as the last hit. It's super fucking casual mode.


Avatar of War Slayer
it drops gold on the ground that needs to be picked up?
so can be denied? that sounds interesting. and more dynamic then last hits.
Can anyone pick it up? enemies, allies, or just you?

Although would make stealing harder. and give favor to melee. which is possibly good given the ranged AD advantage in other mobas..

If anyone can pick it up, that sounds pretty amazing for dynamics. entire skill sets around pulling gold to you, or in general dealing with gold on the ground, could be made...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Edit: fucking lol @ the deny question. Not even close, there's not even a point in last hitting, it drops coins on the ground if you don't get the last hit that are worth the same amount as the last hit. It's super fucking casual mode.

eSport of the forever


Blackwing Lair Raider
From what I saw, I could only see gold that my mobs generated (I.E. My creep killed their creep, gold coin on ground). Last hitting and autoattacking is fucking atrocious as well, it follows the LoL principals of "You must use spells to last hit"
From what I saw, I could only see gold that my mobs generated (I.E. My creep killed their creep, gold coin on ground). Last hitting and autoattacking is fucking atrocious as well, it follows the LoL principals of "You must use spells to last hit"
Didn't realise you needed to use your spells to last hit in lol. Supplement to last hitting sure or late game wave clear, but AA is still the way to go for the vast majority of characters during early game.

Saturation of shitty MoBAs is getting annoying though.

an accordion_sl

Didn't realise you needed to use your spells to last hit in lol. Supplement to last hitting sure or late game wave clear, but AA is still the way to go for the vast majority of characters during early game.

Saturation of shitty MoBAs is getting annoying though.
MOBA is the new MMO. Instead of WoW clones, we get LoL clones.