
Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Lunesta is basically on par or maybe even less effective than Ambien. If Ambien doesn't do it for you Lunesta certainly won't. Considering I put Seroquel up there with horse tranquilizer, I am really surprised the doc bothered with the Lunesta.

I'm not saying it would work for you, and it certainly isn't as powerful as Seroquel, but have you tried Trazadone? Until I built up a tolerance it worked for me. Also have you tried valium? My GF got a script after her surgery and I took one and holy fuck I slept the night like a baby. Not a long term option because of addition potential but may be worth a try.

So a just had my doctor switch me from 200mg seroquel(sp) to 3Mg lunesta, he said this was "the" best sleeping med but was one of the more expensive.

ok i go home take 1 the first night, dont sleep for shit i take it that im still useed to the seroquel etc so i write it off, next day same thing, goes on for a week and im still not sleeping, i slept a few days ago for an hour or two just from like napping, but the other night id been up for over 28 hours, was out of my mind and wanted to fucking sleep so i pounded 20mg of lunesta and end result was FOURTY FIVE minutes of sleep.


Molten Core Raider
technoe in all seriousness do you have PTSD?
Um i really dont think so? ive never been like deployed or anything like that, not sure where along my life i may have developed it or something because my sleeping problems really only started about 2 years ago, i had always stayed up late playing games and shit pulling all nighters going to school etc etc idk feels like it all just caught up to me or something, is getting tested for PTSD something that would go through my psych dr?

Lable me an alien i just want to sleep.

Wombat - i have tried xanax and valium they work great but as you mentioned not so good because of the addiciton factor habit forming shit so ive never used them for long term treatment but as ive been learning recently the withdrawl from seroquel might as well be just as bad/habit forming as the benzos so thats why i also asked for something else and he suggested lunesta because of that it wasnt habit forming and or addicting.


Just a Nurse
Lunesta is basically on par or maybe even less effective than Ambien. If Ambien doesn't do it for you Lunesta certainly won't.
Uhm, 3mg of Lunesta is the exact same equivalence to Ambien's highest strength.

Tecknoe: Lunesta isn't a controlled release, sustained release, or long lasting medication. I don't think there is a CR/XL/XT version of Lunesta.

What exactly do you do at night? Do you work out? Are you actually stimulated?


Molten Core Raider
Uhm, 3mg of Lunesta is the exact same equivalence to Ambien's highest strength.

Tecknoe: Lunesta isn't a controlled release, sustained release, or long lasting medication. I don't think there is a CR/XL/XT version of Lunesta.

What exactly do you do at night? Do you work out? Are you actually stimulated?
Right now im not working but thats only been for a month waiting for my mother inlaws restaurant to open.

But yes i do workout 5-6 times a week for a good 2+ hours this includes cardio/lifting/pool/sauna/steam room.

at night i do everything from read watch movies game its all over the place, yeah i have sex at least twice a day depending on how busy my gf is with school/work, but we always have morning sex and sex before she goes to bed, and on days shes home more whenever we can have sex, but even on days when we have had sex 6+times i still dont sleep better, i tried the whole bust a nutt before bed like right before bed literally bust and turn over and try to sleep nothin lol.

Ive had a job regularly though nothing amazing just full-time warehouse work and shit, ive never worked anything other than morning/semi mid day shifts, like my previous job i worked from 6-2 everyday, come home go to the gym till 4-5 eat, wind down have sex with my girlfriend a couple times through the night before she went to bed, then i was up till 4-5 everyday catching myself only getting 1-2 hours of sleep a night at best very light sleep.

I never went to the gym but after catchin myself losing more and more sleep, i asked work to give me the earliest shift they had, figured if im up earlier ill sleep earlier/better so i developed the routine you see above and ive been doing this and it dosent work but now its become a lifestyle and not a ritual to help me sleep better, now it is what it is and it sucks because my body is actually getting used to being able to fully function regularly on no sleep, makes me so irritable sometimes.

I even set up my dads old punching bag to try and punch myself to sleep at night its a fucked up mental block

idk if it matters but might as well have all the info, i also smoke 5-6 blunts through the day.



Trakanon Raider
Do you see a psychiatrist? What drugs, besides pot, do you use? How often do you drink alcohol? Substance abuse can fuck with your mood and sleep.


Molten Core Raider
Do you see a psychiatrist? What drugs, besides pot, do you use? How often do you drink alcohol? Substance abuse can fuck with your mood and sleep.
Yeah i see one once every 2 months, i drink maybe once every few months and its very light drinking and i dont really fuck with anything other than pot besides the xanax here or there at night to help me sleep after being restless, im prescribed them but i dont even take them because i dont really wanna be on anything thats habit forming/addicting, thats why im trying to kick the seroquel too, no medicine is perfect but lunesta did seem like a better choice after hearing how it wasnt the same in that form, but i was so shocked after taking those 16mg and not feeling any mental tiredness hours and hours after taking them eyes never got heavy nothing, then eventually like 8-9+ hours later i passed out for like 45 minutes.

at this point the seroquel is looking like a better option for temporary relief but im also starting to wonder and im going to be asking my psych what kind of sleep tests or studies can they do on me at this point im ready to go lab rat.


Just a random question. Do you take your medicine then go to bed or do you continue doing other things till the medicine knocks you out? If it's the latter, it could be that you're stimulated just enough to not really feel the effects of the drug. Once you get through that initial phase of making you drowsy, a sleep aid isn't going to do a whole lot to put you asleep.


Molten Core Raider
Just a random question. Do you take your medicine then go to bed or do you continue doing other things till the medicine knocks you out? If it's the latter, it could be that you're stimulated just enough to not really feel the effects of the drug. Once you get through that initial phase of making you drowsy, a sleep aid isn't going to do a whole lot to put you asleep.
yes i take my sleeping pill right before i intend on going to actual sleep which to me is laying down putting a movie on and hitting the timer button.

when i first started taking them i was doing it the other way, assuming id get drowsier and sleep better, and i told that to my psych and he told me even if i stay up till 5-6am dont take the sleeping pill till im ready to relax lay down try to eventually close my eyes and sleep, and ive been doing it that way ever since.


Vyemm Raider
Teck- If your anything like me when I smoked pot a lot, I learned how to fight through the drowsiness to enjoy the high longer instead of weed napping. Quit smoking for a couple weeks, then when you want to go to sleep just smoke a bowl and lay down. Don't play games or anything etc.


<Bronze Donator>
i use any MST3k episode, but Puma Man is especially yawn inducing, nothing like falling asleep to Puma Man to start dreaming you restarted watching Puma Man! "Are Pumas know for their whining?"


Trakanon Raider
I don't know if a sleep study would do much good if your primary problem is sleep onset. I can't help but think your sleep is totally fucked up from benzos. It takes upwards of two months to get your sleep architecture corrected once benzos/alcohol are discontinued at HS. Smoking pot constantly all day long can't be helping your sleep either.


Molten Core Raider
I don't know if a sleep study would do much good if your primary problem is sleep onset. I can't help but think your sleep is totally fucked up from benzos. It takes upwards of two months to get your sleep architecture corrected once benzos/alcohol are discontinued at HS. Smoking pot constantly all day long can't be helping your sleep either.
I dont take benzos though, i maybe take 3 a month when i dont sleep for days and i really want some rest, i drink very rarely and its light drinking as stated.

The only medicine i have been taking regularly has been seroquel for the last year or so for help with sleep, and im just tired of having to keep going up in dosage every 4months, just to get 2 hours of shit sleep.

Im not withdrawling or recovering from any heavy benzo use or substance abuse, ive always had a shit sleeping pattern it seems to just have caught up with me i wish it was as easy as blaming a substance abuse problem and hoping everything goes back to normal.

therage that makes sense with the weed thing, im sure i have been doing that without knowing also.


<Silver Donator>
One thing that can be a cause of the waking up in the middle of the night shit is a drop in blood sugar, say after a few too many and sobering up while asleep (I think resulting in an increase in adrenalin). I assume his could also be the case with other blood sugar issues? Ever have your blood sugar checked?

My solution is to eat a banana, try not to freak out, and read a calming book. Agree with others on MST3K episodes. I've found nutrition, exercise and avoidance of alcohol in the first place is best, obviously.

One thing that sometimes happens to me is that I randomly have these obnoxious dreams pertaining to coding problems, brain teasers, or just weird problems my mind contrives and then battles them all night. I wake up feeling like I was in an overnight war.


Just a Nurse
Something that's helped me as of late -- and it has been absolutely fantastic, is the new drug called Intermezzo. I would suggest trying this. It's not expensive and it's fast acting -- sublingual, so it bypasses the first pass effect.

edit: Forgot to preface that Intermezzo is labeled for waking insomnia. But, I sometimes use it before going to sleep.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Something that's helped me as of late -- and it has been absolutely fantastic, is the new drug called Intermezzo. I would suggest trying this. It's not expensive and it's fast acting -- sublingual, so it bypasses the first pass effect.

edit: Forgot to preface that Intermezzo is labeled for waking insomnia. But, I sometimes use it before going to sleep.
Intermezzo is actually just a small dose of Ambien in a super quick release sublingual delivery form. It's a brilliant pharmaceutical move, taking a now generic drug, halving the dose, putting it in quick release form, and then smacking a new name on it and charging brand name $$$ for it. Actually, Intermezzo had difficulties getting FDA approval because too much was left active in your blood by the time you woke up and started driving to work. They had to further lessen the dose and add the warning to not take it unless you were going to get 4 hrs sleep in order to get FDA approval.

This is not to say it doesn't work. I used to wake up at 4am and wish I could take an ambien, but didn't because I knew I would be too fucked up when I woke at 7. Intermezzo probably addresses that through the smaller dose.

Not a long term solution, but what has worked for me wonderfully in the last month believe it or not is a half a Hydrocodone tablet.. My GF got a few bottles after surgery and had a bunch left over. One night I was like wtf I'll try a half and slept like a freaking baby. Been taking a half a tablet each night since then and I haven't slept this well in years.. I'm dreading running out, as there is no doubt my doc will not prescribe them as a sleeping aid.. However, I am surprised just how effective it is, especially considering the dose is so small.


Just a Nurse
You're taking an opioid on a regular basis? I hope you're using docusate sodium.

edit: BTW, 20 tablets for about $120 is not brand name $$$. Sorry. That's still pretty effin' cheap, especially since most insurance plans will consider it as non-formulary due to it being so new.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You're taking an opioid on a regular basis? I hope you're using docusate sodium.
I don't think a half a hydrocodone tablet per day is enough to constipate someone, or it at least has had no material impact on my dump quality/frequency. However I take this amazing probiotic that pretty much keeps me as regular as can be. Slightly off topic but I used to have pretty bad stomach problems on and off for years and this made things as right as rain. Was a skeptic at first, as the probiotics I initially tried were random OTC Walgreen stuff that didn't work, but someone recommended these to me and they have made a huge difference. Highly recommended if you have stomach problems, gas, aren't regular, etc..


Just a Nurse
BTW, you mentioned earlier that Intermezzo is an Ambien but cut in half. If you want to get into the nitty gritty pharmacology specifics, you should know that Ambien will lose some of its potency before it even affects the body because it has to be metabolized by the liver first. I've used normal Ambien, max dose, and it didn't affect me; but, Intermezzo at 3.5mg will start to work within 5 minutes or less because it's in the blood stream.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
BTW, you mentioned earlier that Intermezzo is an Ambien but cut in half. If you want to get into the nitty gritty pharmacology specifics, you should know that Ambien will lose some of its potency before it even affects the body because it has to be metabolized by the liver first. I've used normal Ambien, max dose, and it didn't affect me; but, Intermezzo at 3.5mg will start to work within 5 minutes or less because it's in the blood stream.
I never disputed its efficacy as a sleep aid, but was simply amused at how a pharmaceutical company has repackaged and rebranded an existing drug for a slightly different purpose. Its active ingredient is chemically identical to that of Ambien--zolpiderm tartrate. The problem with Ambien is that it is quickly metabolized hence was great at getting you to sleep, but not keeping you asleep. They came out with Ambien CR to try and address this by packaging zolpiderm tatrate into a slow release matrix, but at best it was shown to keep someone asleep an extra hour or two. That was my experience with it as well.

I am not doubting Intermezzo works, just find it funny how a pharm. company takes a drug that is available for $15 for 30 pills, packages the same active ingredient in a quick dissolve matrix and then sells it for $120. In the end the cost doesn't matter-- you can't put a cost on sleep and insurance pays for it like you said, but one can't dispute the comical business side to it.

On a different note, I was going to ask my doc about this drug next time I see him I would in fact try Intermezzo, however I have middle of the night wakening every day and though I've never tried zolpiderm for more than a few weeks straight it isn't recommended for extended use.