A bit of cotton left in the ear may sound harmless, but in this case, it wreaked havoc. The man developed a severe bacterial infection that started in his ear canal, progressed into the bone at the base of his skull and then moved upward, into the lining of his brain. While it didn't progress beyond the lining and enter his brain it was clearly causing neurological symptoms. The man was rushed to the emergency room after experiencing a seizure and collapsing, according to the case report.
But the problems in the man's ear were nothing new; he told doctors that he had experienced left ear pain and
hearing loss over the past five years and had been treated twice for severe ear infections on the same side.
Doctors performed a minor surgery to explore his ear canal; during this operation, they located and removed the cotton swab tip that had gone missing. The swab was impacted and surrounded by wax and debris, suggesting that it had been there for some time, Charlton said, adding that it probably contributed to the man's recurrent ear infections over the years, culminating in the particularly severe episode.
The man spent nearly a week in the hospital and needed two months of intravenous and oral antibiotics to treat the infection, but he had no long-term hearing or thinking problems. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, he was advised to never use cotton swabs in his ears again. "They can only cause problems," Charlton said, noting that cotton swabs have been linked to ear infections,
punctured eardrums and impacted ear wax.