Well apparently Shia TheBeef and his flag hiding game created a whole new way for the 'Tism to be useful to mankind.
naw man, whats crazier is that somehow, someone was able to make out her cellphone and flipflops in that 2second grainy dashcam
Well he's dead most likely, guilt and the thought of proper prison. He just did that speed drive back to Florida to see his family one last time.
The theory crafting from people online is insane, there are people out there who think you can install tor, order a new identity kit with bitcoin and skip borders at will. Your average bod without tons of money or resources has zero chance in a manhunt. To think he's a fugitive running about in a swamp, catching fucking fish or travelling in Mexico on a tor identity is completely ridiculous.
The only fugitive I've ever felt genuinely had the skill set to disappear completely and alone is Brad Bishop, he was CIA counter-intelligence, had ready access to cash, fluent in multiple languages and was by all accounts a master forger. Most importantly, at the time he disappeared he had access to a shitload of CIA diplomatic cover papers, meaning he could travel nearly anywhere in the world without many questions being asked. It was 1974 when he became a fugitive, now even he'd probably have little to no chance.
This place needs a true crime thread, shits interesting as fuck.
Turn himself in, claim he told her he wanted to transition and she attacked him and it was self-defense. Time's Person of the Year 2022.This is Clown World now, all he has to do is get to Mexico, do a 180 walk back into the US and Biden will give him Ivermectin, a new ID, a check and a bus ticket.
Turn himself in, claim he told her he wanted to transition and she attacked him and it was self-defense. Time's Person of the Year 2022.
Made xer sign up for Telegram.And played YouTubes of Trump speeches the whole road trip.
Well he's dead most likely, guilt and the thought of proper prison. He just did that speed drive back to Florida to see his family one last time.
before they found her body right next to the last known location of the van, i thought maybe they parted ways for a night (b/c shes crazy and he had enough) and maybe someone murder/raped her the night she was alone while he went to a hotel and he came back to find her dead.This place needs a true crime thread, shits interesting as fuck.
Still eating bacon, don't care.Holy shit. With all the regulations on everything how is this even legal? I guess nobody knows and nobody asks.
Didnt watch the videos because theyre videos and all information worth knowing is written down.Holy shit. With all the regulations on everything how is this even legal? I guess nobody knows and nobody asks.
before they found her body right next to the last known location of the van, i thought maybe they parted ways for a night (b/c shes crazy and he had enough) and maybe someone murder/raped her the night she was alone while he went to a hotel and he came back to find her dead.
but naw, with her dead and buried right by the van w/ the flip flops on the floor, they musta argued right there and he bashed her head in cuz shes an annoying cunt. then he's like oh shit and drove 40hrs straight home.
i'm positive his family knew and tried to cover for him, why else would he drive 40fucking hours and make 2 fake instagram posts (after she died).
imo, the bodycam footage is what makes it so great, i'm not gonna say shes a shit human, but shes obviously a cunt and theyre both young and dumb
i can't wait for the that popo that pulled them over to breakdown and cry cuz he could have prevented this by arresting her for domestic violence, but said "nah she's an 80lb girl, no harm" she woulda spent a night or 2 in jail and her fam woulda had to fly out to bail her out and their stupid van trip would have ended with her being an abuser instead of being a corpse.
So she beats him, he doesn't file charges, she gets the van? He has to go to a hotel. That seems fair.
But somehow he gets the van back. Not looking good.
Meanwhile: Why adoptive family of missing 6-year-old Waimanalo girl have remained absent in search parties
this family is fuckedSo she beats him, he doesn't file charges, she gets the van? He has to go to a hotel. That seems fair.
But somehow he gets the van back. Not looking good.
Meanwhile: Why adoptive family of missing 6-year-old Waimanalo girl have remained absent in search parties
“My clients have been absolutely cooperative,” Harrison said. “As I put it in my statement, they allowed the police to come to their house and spend the day in their home. They’ve given up all electronic equipment, made multiple statements to the police department as to anything they’ve asked them about.”
did you hear what they were doing b4 they drove out?The van belonged to her, not him.Reason he got the hotel for the night was because they (unsurprisingly) didn't have any money. The cop called a charity place that puts up victims of domestic violence, who said they would only put him up for the night. She was considered the aggressor in the altercation that prompted the cops being called initially, the charity won't support the aggressor.
Looks like this dude could be in Alabama on the run, maybe.