I really, really, really wanted to like this movie, but it suffered from the same issues as his last 3 or 4 movies. I don't wanna spoil anything, so I'll just talk about Nolan as a filmmaker.
My problem with Nolan is that he doesn't know what he wants his movies to be. He'll present this cold, clinical aesthetic and then shoehorn in some jarring saccharine moment that undermines the tone of the whole movie. His latest works are hodgepodges of Kubrick's measured direction and Spielberg's sentimentality, and he doesn't fully succeed at either approach. He just doesn't know how to convey the human condition.
I think a lot of the backlash against his movies is partially a reaction to his fans who seem to have an unwavering devotion to the guy. His "blockbuster" movies have invited all sorts of pseudointellectual bull**** and if you criticize his movies for their ham-fisted exposition and robotic, emotional husks who masquerade as human beings, people will just say "You just don't get it, man." It's a shame there's so much controversy surrounding Nolan because it's clear he crafts his movies with a lot of love and care. People just want him to make the best movies he possibly can.
I favor his small-scale movies because greater attention was given to character development and tone. His biggest flaw (in my opinion) is that he focuses so much on spectacle in these big blockbuster movies that he outright ignores any real attempt to create emotional resonance or he fails to temper those elements, ending up with off-putting melodrama.