I'm sorry but this show sucks. "Into the Badlands". Why would anyone call the place where this takes place "The Badlands". Yeah, this place where we're growing all kinds of shit and there's trees and rivers and pretty colors everywhere is fucking terrible, let's call it the badlands. This desert where nothing grows is awesome, let's call it Paradise! Bleh, who writes this crap?
All of the wire-fu is pretty bad and obvious. It WAS cool, back in like 1995. Shows like Banshee and Daredevil have spoiled me when it comes to martial arts action.
Widow character is way too badass, more overuse of the nigh super-powered 110lb female ass-kicker trope.
Guns are outlawed, so we have dark magic powered monks driving an old Ford instead? GTFO of here with that bullshit.