I pulled my money out of the market when the DOW was at around 18k because of the volatility around the election and all the market signs pointing to a downturn. Now here we are around 21k and and I am in this awkward place where I don't want to jump back in because I'm buying at a peak but it doesn't seem like the market cares about economic numbers (however, even those are coming around). Anyone else in a similar boat?
You've missed 10% or so but if you're view is out far enough it's rather minor but I definitely sympathize. Don't wait to get back in where you left, but you can wait for a pullback. Those pullbacks so far have been very shallow the last was just under 2% from the high. If you get a gift of a 5% pullback from high I would just bite the bullet and get back in. This is retirement money with a multiple decade outlook then you need to get back in.
the only timing I would ever do if you just want to lower beta would be sell the market when it closes a month below it's 20 month average and buy back in on any monthly close above the 20 month sma. This has about a 100 yr track record of working to avoid the worst of a bear market decline and will usually only result in a couple trades every 10 years, so hardly "market timing"