Depends on if they are traders or investors. Investors are fine because a 10 year time horizon means this is just a blip in the road. Bad traders are getting destroyed. Good traders are making a fortune.I can't imagine how many people are just getting destroyed in this chop.
Depends on the portfolio makeup more than anything else. if you are fully invested in index funds like the SPY/QQQ and this chop bothers you the best advice I can give is to not look at your portfolio but once or twice a year.If a person were to find their portfolio shrinking by 1-2% per day consistently for about a week, is taking any action advisable or is the right move to stop watching it and just come back in a month?
asking for a friend
I will only add that lots of non-penny stocks are junk too in my opinion. Buying quality and holding it is the answer.Depends on if the stocks you are talking about are junk or not (junk would be penny stocks not junk would be a blue chip.)
I'll let the experts weigh in, but cutting losers is an art in itself almost like taking profit.
You can sell everything and buy it back cheaper, buy more in a few months. The market was over valued and the Biden admin is doing all they can to make things very unstable.
If a person were to find their portfolio shrinking by 1-2% per day consistently for about a week, is taking any action advisable or is the right move to stop watching it and just come back in a month?
the best advice I can give is to not look at your portfolio but once or twice a year.
PUTTIN' MILES ON THIS OLD TRUCK!17% in 3 months. Nice.
Sure I love paying all my long term capital gains taxes at once during a market dip, this is great advice.You can sell everything and buy it back cheaper, buy more in a few months. The market was over valued and the Biden admin is doing all they can to make things very unstable. Expect things to get worse before they get better. So i guess the answer is stop looking.
You can sell everything and buy it back cheaper, buy more in a few months. The market was over valued and the Biden admin is doing all they can to make things very unstable. Expect things to get worse before they get better. So i guess the answer is stop looking.
Would anyone like to explain to me in laymens terms what is happening here? (from /r/wsb)
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My horizon is long, its not a question of being bothered by it in terms of "oh shit I'm gonna lose my money".Depends on the portfolio makeup more than anything else. if you are fully invested in index funds like the SPY/QQQ and this chop bothers you the best advice I can give is to not look at your portfolio but once or twice a year.
if you have individual stock positions you need to examine the stocks and ask why. If you cant answer the why question you probably shouldnt own individual stocks.