Well I sold out my AMZN position from my sofi fun money account, get ready for the double beat.

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Well I sold out my AMZN position from my sofi fun money account, get ready for the double beat.
Who are you and what did you do with Moglyzoke?It's a sell the pop market so it's always a win so long as you lock gains and don't lose money.
MTTR - "Now there is a name I have not heard in a very long time".
How in the fuck did you lose money today? Were you short META?I lost money today so I'm saying what I shouldve done out loud in a feeble hope that maybe I'll fucking listen.
Ok. You are not an imposter. You are the actual Moglyzoke.I don't short anymore. Shorts can actually get fucked.
I took a day trade and stupidly averaged up because I thought that was a move.
But no. Averaging up in short term trading is fucking stupid.
2-year chart. Its in a zone of lots of support/resistance and it ran up a ton during the regular session. I own it and like it long term. That said, I dont buy this dip. $93-95 is a better entry point in my opinion.How bad of an idea is it to buy the big afterhours dip here? Seems tempting.
If you bought the GOOGL strangle above you are making some green.Two Long Strangle ideas for earnings tonight after the bell. If you think AAPL/GOOGL will move 5% in either direction on earnings after the bell. This expires tomorrow at the close so its a one move and out.
Buy the 142 put expiring tomorrow for 63 cents
Buy the 157.5 call expiring tomorrow for 72 cents
Looks for a 5% move in either direction. Total cost is $135 per contract
Buy the 101 put expiring tomorrow for 89 cents
Buy the 112 call expiring tomorrow for $1.50
Looks for a 5% move in either direction. Total cost is $239 per contract