Apple is the reason why we have nudes of many celebs though.

Apple is the reason why we have nudes of many celebs though.
If you really want to buy into PLTR, I would write puts at an out of the money strike that you would be happy owning. My gut says this current level is really being driven by AI hype. I wouldn't be a buyer at this price.
Closed em out for 4 cents.Wrote the $20 strike covered calls on my shares expiring 6/16.
This. Everything Apple sells is inferior in some major way to the alternative but sells for a huge premium, and a large fraction of the population just guzzles that shit down and cant wait for more.
It is the biggest tech investing paradox for me. How could they even survive let alone be like the juggernaut they are. But objectively, they just keep on trucking.
Ever see a comedy skit that refers to like some movie or TV show you've never seen or heard of? Thats the experience I'm having right now WRT the blue text comment. I know from experience that if I ask I'm gonna get even more confused so I'm just gonna leave it alone.
GDXJWhat ETF sucks the least these days? I just need something to dump my yearly roth in to and forget about for a while
LoL. Thanks, that clarifies it. How hilarious.
I wonder what my flip phone texts do to their silly bullshit.
Nvds does look attractive.
Curious what some of the old hands here think of this vid by Heresy Financial:
It elucidates really well the sentiment I've had about 'market timing' vs the 'stonks always go up mentality'. Though maybe even that isn't phrasing it quite correctly. As an example he mentions the 20+ year run after the crash of '29 it took to get back to the price you were at in 29. Thinking in such geologic timeframes isn't useful for the individual. The dotcom crash is another one, it took 13 years to get back to those levels, and if you adjust for inflation and things like money printing it looks even worse.
Not sure I have an overall point here other than a big fat frowny face though... so, yeah.
Curious what some of the old hands here think of this vid by Heresy Financial:
It elucidates really well the sentiment I've had about 'market timing' vs the 'stonks always go up mentality'. Though maybe even that isn't phrasing it quite correctly. As an example he mentions the 20+ year run after the crash of '29 it took to get back to the price you were at in 29. Thinking in such geologic timeframes isn't useful for the individual. The dotcom crash is another one, it took 13 years to get back to those levels, and if you adjust for inflation and things like money printing it looks even worse.
Not sure I have an overall point here other than a big fat frowny face though... so, yeah.