5-6yrs The dip helped I've been watching it for a while was just way too high after IPO . Companies at this stage can be difficult buys because sometime this decade they will transition from hyper growth at any cost to a move towards profitability.
They need to keep the rev growth going, the 100% yoY stuff is over , they need years of it staying above 25-30% YoY. They keep the growth up I will continue to hold. They slow to a market average rate of growth and I will bail. I want to see 10-15B in Rev by end of decade, the TAM is there for them to do that.
I would not yet consider it "high conviction" on my part, I want to see them stabilize the rev growth at the needed level. is it value at this level? Absolutely not, but sadly it's very rare to be able to buy fast growing companies at reasonable levels. I would love this thing at a 30-40B valuation but that isn't going to happen and if it did you shouldn't touch it.
Nvidia is a good example of "No way I'm buying a Price to sales near 30" well that was about 300% ago. Growth is expensive because you are betting on companies becoming a lot bigger. You can find companies growing rev at 8% a year with no hopes of becoming far more than they are today and their valuation metrics will show that. Doesn't mean you can't own them, but for long term investing you want companies that can substantively grow much much larger hundreds of percent. And you only need one or two of these to work in a lifetime to make a lot of money.
I have failed at this too many times in the past decade, with Netflix with Amazon, with Apple. All names I have made tens and hundreds of thousands on over the years but reality is I was wrong to take profits when I did. Far too easy to say hogs get slaughtered when reality is the market rewards the patient.
I did manage to hold almost every big success name at it's early stages I would get awed by some 30-40% gain and sell. I remember selling significant apple position after the initial iphone run up. Yes it's hindsight but I have gone back and looked that had I just been more patient with that apple position and never did another thing else I would have Cad levels of money. I bought because I saw the potential and I invested heavy and I did very well in 2009 and...I sold. Warren sent me a "son i'm disappoint" postcard.
I'm going through another transition as an investor, I have let my risk aversion side become too dominant and I need to let my doggedly consistent patient turtle side have more room at the table, and maybe I needed to make a few million to have the peace to do that. Every person and journey is unique.
Hope that helps.