Hate to burst your bubble there.....but here is an interview with shane black and kevin feige.
The part that matters:
Talk about the idea of grounding the Mandarin as a 21st century, media-terrorist:
Black: From the very beginning we were all about the idea of just a real world interpretation of this guy who, I hate to break it to you, but he's not from space in this. The rings are rings. They're showmanship. They're accouterments. They're paraphernalia of warfare that he sort of drapes himself with. He studies Sun Tzu. He studies insurgency tactics. he surrounds himself with dragons and symbols of warlords and Chinese iconography because he wants to represent this sort of prototypical terrorist who- we use as the example Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, this guys who may have been an American, may have been a British National, someone who is out there doing field work, supervising atrocities for the intelligence community who went nuts in the field and became this sort of devotee of war tactics, and now has surrounded himself with a group of people over which he presides, and the only thing that unifies them is this hatred of America. So he's the ultimate terrorist, but he's also savvy. He's been in the intelligence world. He knows how to use the media. And taking it to a real world level like that was a lot fun for us.
Now, i don't really mind this change...mandarin in the comics never really appealed to me, i always found him more a villain for dr. Strange. In iron man 1 there was the group called the 10 rings, hopefully they will link them to mandarin, and it might explain why he's pissed at stark.
As for dr. Strange....i think they will use more magic in Thor 2 to kind of usher magic into the marvel movie universe. Loki already asked Thor how much dark magic the allfather had to conjure to get Thor to earth. Isn't malekith a magic wielding villain?
Next to all that, one of the upco ing marvle movies will have a talking raccoon in it, so i guess they will break some barriers anyways.