this is essentially the problem
you cant make everyone the bestest evar, you cant even make just the retards and "protected class" all supers. for every new super who can do everything better than the old supers, it cheapens the entire thing and just makes them fucking boring , play any game in godmode and its fun for about 20 minutes or less and then you just blow shit up to see what happens. then you stop playing because there isnt anything else to do now. MCU is reaching that point or has reached that point whereits nothing special anymore, the characters are all perfect people with no faults or even tradeoffs to their powers. this happened with Captain Marvel first, its a goddamned boring movie because the bitch can just do anything.and she was at no risk at any point because of it. she didnt even have a character flaw. (the character, not the actor, she has many faults) why did they feel the need to make her so perfect?
why does this Ironheart person have to be a genius who outclasses Tony Stark? why cant she be just as flawed and maybe not a fucking super genius? all these shows are becoming the same. what is Feige doing? he isnt being "inclusive", he's being fucking lazy and one dimensional. he doesnt seem to remember why the old supers were great and lasted for decades. its time Feige moves on and they bring in somebody with a new direction. something that isnt dull and repetitive because they are reskinning the same character over and over..