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Well sort of.. You have to break away from the typical thinking of 'I'll toss a for loop here, and if statement here' . You have to manually write that stuff.
Granted i did it at a way lower level than most people would so perhaps my view is skewed. In school we had some boards that ran old Motorola assembly and it was fun but incredibly taxing on my brain.
Im very fast at reading and understanding assembly now but if you asked me to write anything it would take me forever.
At the new place I'm mainly doing C++, Java, and Matlab for signal processing and its a nice break from the Super low level stuff
@tyen aren't you from Portland? Not surprising you'd like hipster Central. I might not have minded it if my commute wasn't 2 and a half hours one way everyday.
We had to write some basic string library in x86 assembly in college and it was bullshit it took forever. My senior design project was an embedded racecar ECU. I wrote a few pieces of the control loop in assembly but mostly in C. Thats the extent of my assembly experience