A friend of mine has been in school for a while now, all for computers. He took an internship with a company that he likes, and now the internship is almost over, they would like him to make an offer to work at the company. He already has a bunch of programming degrees from his years at college, but he's at a point where he doesn't know what to do.
He has 2 choices.
1.) Ask for $40/hour as a part time employee (He was making $35/hour as an intern) while he finishes school for 10 months, getting a bachelors in both business and computer science in the process.
2.) Stop worrying about school and go full time at this company with a $100k/year salary position.
What do you guys suggest? Finish school making a great part-time wage (it will take him around 10 months to complete school), or go for the full time $100k position? As people in this industry, how much weight does a bachelors degree carry?