IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.


Idiot Savaunt
I'm putting my devs through hell right now with a legacy database platform conversion which will be followed up with a move from a private MSP in a data center in Vegas to Azure. Totally non SOP for the group as my team are 95% programmers but they are all hands on deck kind of moves. I know they are ready for it to be over so we can get back to running pure dev sprints.

If you're bored/disenchanted, have an earnest conversation. I know that's what I'd expect out of my employees and I'd respect them for it, even if there was nothing I could do to help the situation.


Life's a Dream
Yet another update for my friend. It looks like even though they offered him a lot of money, HR hasn't officially approved his salary yet. As a result, he's in limbo. Working for his intern rate while waiting for the internship duration to expire.
It seems that his friend that also works at the company (And started 9 months prior), is putting a bug in management's ear that he shouldn't have a part time position. Programmers are cheap, so why pay him so much? In reality, it's because he isn't capable of doing the work on his own, so he's hoping this won't be discovered by his friend having a part time gig that would cause the talker to have to solve more problems, which he doesn't have the knowledge to perform.

So, he's skating on ice, looking to see what's going to happen next.
I'll let you know if I hear anything more.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
First, Programmers are not cheap.

Second that bs with management seems like a red flag Tell him to finish his degree and negotiate with that.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
MozyPro is offsite backup software.

Oh, shit. Yeah, I'm on the Dell Financial side, working on internal tools, so was completely ignorant of that application. Some of the stuff we sell to folks is good, some of it's complete shit and we hardly ever have plans for long term support. It's one of the things that annoys the fuck out of my about Dell... but then again, we're always making something new, or bringing something new to market (or buying someone else's application/company and running it into the ground for every dollar its worth).


A Mod Real Quick
So far on my plate today is clarification on a part number. Emailed a guy to tell me when he's in his office.

Ah exciting

Edit: ooooh and an ethics course


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You are in one of the pricier areas as well. How long is your commute? I live 30-40 min north and while also not cheap up here, it isn't ridiculous like down there. We're still no Silicon Valley/SF.

IE is awful, I'd rather move back to Vegas.

About 20-25 minutes in the morning about 35 in the evening. I could have bought a place in Irvine to make it a 5-10 minute commute both ways but I really disliked Irvine. Irvine is hot, flat and beige.


Life's a Dream
Agreed. Who says programmers are cheap by the way? You see what guys at Facebook make?
It was his friend/co-worker that's trying to validate his own job that said it. The company primarily uses outside programmers from India and China or something for the majority of their software needs. They pay them a whopping $12/hour to program from distant lands. My friend is the only true programmer/coder that works for the company. And he wasn't able to get paid with the title I mentioned before because the company only allocates a small portion of funds for programming as a direct result of this.

So he needs to be hired as something else entirely, even though that technically wouldn't be his job. It's strange corporate BS, but it works. The issue is his friend/co-worker has been employed at the company 9 months prior to my friend beginning his internship. So he has a little more seniority, thus feels he can say stupid shit to the boss while justifying his position. The guy in question is purely an artist, and not even a great one. He doesn't use angles for 3D models. Instead, he eyeballs everything, so they don't all line up. My friend actually programmed something that made that guy 300% more productive last week, and he's still hearing bullshit about how coders aren't worth it.

The art from this guy is largely repetitive. Imagine you're looking at an item with 2 flaps and a buckle. Animation 1 is opening the first flap. Animation 2 is opening the first flap and the buckle. Animation 3 is opening the first flap, the buckle, then the second flap.
My friend streamlined this by making it so that opening the first flap is one video. Opening the buckle is a separate video and opening the 2nd flap is yet another. Then he can have each video run one after another, that way you don't need a single video to do all 3 actions.


A Mod Real Quick
He should get out. Don't work at a place that outsources coding to India. They are the WORST programmers.
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<Bronze Donator>
He should get out. Don't work at a place that outsources coding to India. They are the WORST programmers.
Hehe, hate to break it to you but tons of places do outsource all over the far east and have done so for at least a decade. East is catching up, better get used to it. Esp China, then India.

Companies big and small from the Intels, IBMs to tons of others, some of the best companies to work for in the industry. They hire top notch engineers scientists and developers there. Whole branches of projects, major components of big name software projects are outsourced to large teams half way accross the world. Go skype go, go vnc go!

Xarpolis Xarpolis that being said, if this place sounds sketchy, guy should grind his degree out while milking them for all the experiecne he can get before moving on after graduating.


Trakanon Raider
Having a BS Job title that alludes to different kinda work is fucking cancer for his resume.

"Yeah, I was titled Sanitation engineer, but I coded all day, PROMISE!"


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry, I meant the companies that farm out to Indian engineers at $12/hr. The ones we had that were in India but part of the company seemed good. Same with Chinese. Although their practices were weird.


Life's a Dream
I told him what you guys said about how it's detrimental to his resume to continue working for the company. He said that he still owns the software that he's written for himself personally that he can show to future employers. I don't know if that helps at all, but that's what he said anyway.


Trakanon Raider
Titles don't mean shit and most people in this industry stopped paying attention to them decades ago when the large wave of next-next-finish system "admins" and "engineers" hit the scene. You should be able to tell pretty quickly if someone has the experience to succeed in any given role, so there is no reason to worry about what they were called at their last job.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I told him what you guys said about how it's detrimental to his resume to continue working for the company. He said that he still owns the software that he's written for himself personally that he can show to future employers. I don't know if that helps at all, but that's what he said anyway.

He said that he still owns the software

No, he doesn't own it. If he created it while been employed by the company in any capacity, it belongs to them.

Ill bet you he doesn't own it. If he does, he can just quit and force them to pay royalties.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ya most companies if you used any of their hardware or did anything on company time they own the software. Some places are even like Lend says where if you do any work on the development while still employed at the company they own it. The latter is harder to enforce than the previous.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Bronze Donator>
I told him what you guys said about how it's detrimental to his resume to continue working for the company. He said that he still owns the software that he's written for himself personally that he can show to future employers. I don't know if that helps at all, but that's what he said anyway.
Since he is just starting out, the most valuable thing he should worry about getting from this company is not money but experience. There is absolutely nothing detrimental working for the company. Work is good! It is all just work experience. Just milk the company for all the experience he can get (+ own source + docs to demonstrate it) while grinding the degree. Jump ship as soon as convenient for him.

Combined experience of School+applied work are both needed. Titles are not relevant. Esp early in career, internship or first semi pro work, money is almost irrelevant. Perhaps this might not be best company but no experience is bad experience ever really, provided you learn from it.