There are type hints and mypy which is kind of a pseudo strong typing. I like it.Depends on what you're doing. Most of the time I regret using Python are generally in projects where you outgrew the scope of a scripting language in terms of size and performance.
Sometimes I dislike Python's inability to make private class members. Sometimes I want strong typing, sometimes I don't.
Xenforo is pretty good and it's addons/theming is pretty extensive.Also I'd like to get into the database side of things a little more, but I have very little experience with SQL. I'm hoping I can set up a little server here that I can fool around with, and I was thinking about loading up Ubuntu and PostgreSQL to get my feet wet, but I don't know if that's the best way to go about it.
Why do you specifically want to use Postgre?
I would spin up Ubuntu, drop in MariaDB (mysql essentially), nginx (Apache alternative), and PHP. This is a classic LEMP setup and is great.
I did that a couple months before I set this place up and it was a quick learning.
Most people do MySQL or MariaDB. I don't know anyone that uses post, I think businesses might use it for some enterprise level shit.It was just something that was recommended to me, is MariaDB that much better?
sudo apt install mariadbIn ubuntu "setting up" postgres is just like apt-get postgres and then ./start-postgres or some shit. Not like it is complicated. Hardest part is the CLI commands make no sense.
Im gonna start rewriting a fully function C# azure application. It is basically is a web scraper in steroids, MVC and web API with react. It also uses the Azure Bus, 3 azure machines and SQL.
Also I'd like to get into the database side of things a little more, but I have very little experience with SQL. I'm hoping I can set up a little server here that I can fool around with, and I was thinking about loading up Ubuntu and PostgreSQL to get my feet wet, but I don't know if that's the best way to go about it.