half way thereI'm completely out of my element here...So I'm not sure if the above info is enough?
So costumer table is a simple ID (unique) plus Name(nvarchar 500). simple enough no issue.
Backup Alert Needs to have a tie to customer table, needs to have a datetime field, and a status (which will be one of 3; Fail, Success, In Progress)
BackUpAlertId (int Unique)
CustomerId (Foreign Key to Customer)
DateTime "AlertTime" (required or not?), im guessing yes
Status Int (Foreign Key to LkpStatuses) (lkp = lookup)
Id (int)
Name Nvarchar(100) "StatusName"
Monitor Alert needs to have tie to customer table, Alert Type, Alert Description, Machine Name, Datetime, and a T/F for Resolved
MonitorAlertTableId (Int unique)
CustomerId (Foreign Key to Customer)
AlertType(missing data type, assuming varchar)
Alert Description varchar(1024)
MachineName (varchar500)
AlertDate Datetime,
Resolved, Bit, default to false).
What you are missing is writing out how the components would interact with each other, what writes data to these tables. Is there another system that would write data to these tables?
You mention color code... what is color code, is it part of the Back alert property? a fixed relation? What drives it?