I don't even know what I do for a living.
My job theoretically involves telecom engineering and network engineering. Also data center engineering, since everything now runs on some flavor of VMware/SAN infrastructure from Dell or Cisco or Netapp or Simplivity or whatever. Except for all the 20 year old shit that I also support, which runs on flaming (frequently literally) garbage boxes that die all the time and involves me going in the warehouse looking for trash (also literal) to tape up and ship in a box in the middle of the night. So yeah, it also involves the logistics of shipping and sourcing various new or legacy parts in emergencies, dispatching field resources in the middle of the night, etc.
Also involves security, because incident response always includes a security component (we like to leave default passwords on every server, and therefore our customer's servers like to get hacked) and also modern telecom and network engineering require a significant understanding of, things like how to create and sign TLS certs, and all sorts of bullshit with the various DNS records required for certificate chains.
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing 90% of the time. Every shift is just some shitshow of trial-by-fire nonsense because I've never been trained on anything relevant to my actual job. I got hired as a fucking CSR and now I'm a full-stack infrastructure engineer who also does a bunch of logistics, major event management, disaster recovery/bc shit, etc. Also none of our customers' systems are documented so every single fucking incident involves starting over from scratch.
I don't think they make a PhD degree in dealing with tremendous bullshit.
I mean, it could be worse, my job could be boring instead... oh wait, it is unbearably boring on the off-chance that shit isn't literally on fire.