A Mod Real Quick
Surprised it takes that long to find a job. Maybe it's just my area, but tossing my resume out around here is like shooting fish in a bucket
Surprised it takes that long to find a job. Maybe it's just my area, but tossing my resume out around here is like shooting fish in a bucket
I don't think the comp package thing math's out. If I were to say they would have paid me more overall than the comp package after like 4 months or something. I mean I have been trying to leave since I started looking for jobs seriously in like November, don't get me wrong. So I will leave the second I find one, absolutely. But it seems exceptionally insane that they lay off people on my own team and simultaneously keep me just to create a situation where I want to leave and somehow cost them less money because of this.
I wanted to leave already so I really didn't care about the comp detail this year. It just pissed me off at how fucking petty it was. On the upside I'll never see that guy again so... that's cool.
I did apply to that NC job you mentioned awhile backalavaz . They never responded lol.
Do you have a security clearance? I forgot.
I had a TS clearance before. But I got out of the Army in 2010. It would have to be updated.
I had a TS clearance before. But I got out of the Army in 2010. It would have to be updated.
When you apply, say you have TS. That's the only way they'll call you. Then they can look you up JPAS and see if it's expired or not.
They don't always expire just because x amount of years has lapsed like they're supposed to. Especially now adays because it takes so long, they'll let them lapse down to secret and then they'll never expire, they'll just have to kick off a PRI right when you get hired. The only downside is that you have to hang around at least until you're current again.
Should have expired after 5 years IIRC. At 5 years a "reinvestigation" is required.
I do kind of was a TS/SCI but they are rare here. We got.a new hire and our company didn't do something right during his transfer so he lost his TS and they have to reinvestigate him.
The best part? An interim can be granted locally by the security officer with no input from the CAF at all. They could have given you one at any time but they were paranoid and didn't understand the rules.Had a security office fuckup my first clearance process and I ended up with my interim denied. Was an amazingly boring internship. Didn't find out for a few years that it wasn't random or something wrong on my side.