Totally normal and common.have a problem I couldn't solve, then goto sleep and be able to work it out in a dream. Do yall ever do that? Just curious if that was normal or not.l
Totally normal and common.have a problem I couldn't solve, then goto sleep and be able to work it out in a dream. Do yall ever do that? Just curious if that was normal or not.l
Uhhh have him solve whatever problems you guys usually ask to solve but insist the solution is written in python?Interviewing some intern candidates and they want someone with "at least basic/understanding of python"
What kind of coding questions should I ask? Not a python expert
Some standard Python libraries trivialize typical interview questions. So you either have to say no standard library calls or make the question harder.Interviewing some intern candidates and they want someone with "at least basic/understanding of python"
What kind of coding questions should I ask? Not a python expert
This is the first time I've interviewed anyone. So I have no canned questions.Uhhh have him solve whatever problems you guys usually ask to solve but insist the solution is written in python?
I could just ask for pseudocodeI hate questions like that hex one. If you, as an interviewer, can't be bothered to come up with a legitimate, real world coding question why should you expect the candidate to take that interview seriously?
Obviously the purpose of coding questions should be to see how a candidate works through a coding problem but what's the point of asking a question that needs such a major caveat to even work and will never, ever need to be done in a real world scenario?
Letting them use the internet and be at a computer is a good interviewing practice so you can see how they'd actually tackle a new challenge in an actual work environment. But man... purposely saying "You're not allowed to use something you'll likely, actually use everyday to answer this question. Like code libraries or built in functions/methods" Ugh.
I contact denvercoder9What do you guys do to take a break and decompress after spending hours of going hard in the paint trying to debug something to no avail?
I contact denvercoder9
It's been a while since I worked with a language that supported casting, but isn't the concept in general frowned upon? I'm assuming you had to dirty up your code with a fair amount of ifdef usage.
No ifdefs required. I sort of misspoke when I said struct, it's a class with structs in it. Another caveat, the new header has the old header inside it - so its OLD HEADER + NEW HEADER, or just support OLD HEADER.It's been a while since I worked with a language that supported casting, but isn't the concept in general frowned upon? I'm assuming you had to dirty up your code with a fair amount of ifdef usage.
typedef struct header
UINT32 checksum;
UINT8 sp_name[SP_NAME_SIZE];
// Certificate Header
typedef struct {
struct {
UINT32 HeaderMagic;
} Meta;
struct {
UINT8 Buffer[SIZE];
} Certificate;
struct {
UINT8 Buffer[SIZE];
} Signature;
typedef struct recv_header {
HEADER2 header2;
HEADER header1;
((HEADER *)(this->header))->checksum = (UINT32)checksum;
((RECV_HEADER *)(this->header))->header1.checksum = (UINT32)checksum;
Yeah, been a while since I worked with those tooCasting is possible in many languages. Even C# and Java.