The dude that took over my job when I left was like that- he was a virtualization dude for his entire career in manufacturing end points / robots etc.
He retired and moved to FL and said retirement was dumb- worked for local government branch of public health and fixed all their endpoint virtualization stuff and wanted a challenge... well... he got one
not that I left him a shit situation- but I just started an endpoint virtualization department and got it out of POC and beta into real time production cross 1/3 our campuses - there have been 3 failed endpoint virtualization initiatives during my 20 years at the place- so getting it out of beta/poc into a real production setting was a big thing, esp politically.
So he had the job of taking what there was and getting it all ready for that other 2/3rds etc. I am friends with him on FB and he's loving it, he gets to do what he wants, is challenged and can f-off and fly helicopters whenever he wants lol.