There are tons of middle managers out there who are basically nothing but fucking cock blocking parasites to (good) tech teams. And most of them are terrified because covid induced remote reliance has exposed how utterly fucking useless they are. Hey maybe instead of hiring Lumberg the micromanaging fucktard who has produced zero actual work into a product owner/project manager position where they will just offload all real work onto the technicians (while annoying the fuck out of them), maybe just hire another actual technical person and save some money? Those Pointy Haired Boss people are watching their uselessness get exposed and thus their niche rendered extinct. The general reaction by them is to spit buzzwords to look like they are cutting edge, when really they are just doing the same annoying shit they had been for years, only they obfuscate it with Agile related buzz babble to cover their obsolescence. Or they micromanage the fuck out of the talent to the point where anyone worth a shit either checks out of the job or finds a different gig (real easy right now in IT).
TLDR, Middle managers are a fucking cancer in all industries, but especially in IT.