JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars movie

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Considering he died like a bitch at the first sign of conflict, yeah, he was just another guy.

And Dooku was absolutely horrifying. If he didn't have the stupidest name ever you wouldn't even remember it.
It might help if you actually watch the films. Darth Maul, an apprentice, took on two Jedi at the same time, killed one and beat the other. Pretty badass. It was only after he had knocked Obi-Wan down into the shaft that he got cocky and lost focus. Also considering he spawned a new generation of "Star Wars Kids" that wanted to fight like him, he was hardly "just another guy".

Count Dooku was also known as Darth Tyranus. I thought it was great that we got to see a Sith that was still relatable. He kept his former Jedi identity and you could tell this was an elegant individual that just happened to be on the dark side. He wasn't just evil for the sake of evil. He also had an awesome lightsaber.



It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
If they're smart, and likely contractually obligated, they will stay well the fuck away from the prequels and every mention of the Gungan fucking race and make a goddam STAR WARS movie.


Buzzfeed Editor
It really does blow my fucking mind that someone out there thinks Count fucking Dooku was awesome. Jesus christ, talk about your low standards.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It really does blow my fucking mind that someone out there thinks Count fucking Dooku was awesome. Jesus christ, talk about your low standards.
Agreed, even bringing back Maul for the Clone Wars was better done than Dooku.


Buzzfeed Editor
The best part about Dooku was how obvious it was that he was thrown in because George Lucas forgot he needed a mirror for Darth Vader in 2/3, and killed off Maul early.

Honestly, what could have saved the prequels is if Maul had killed Quigon and beaten Obi-Wan right there, knocking him down the shaft, but Obi-Wan surviving similar to how Luke did--then all the Gugans die, and the droid army wins and you set up a really fucking dark ending. The exact opposite of "A new hope", instead of a victory for the good guys, Naboo falls and rather than the medal ceremony in New Hope, you have Maul standing over his legions of droids--having killed the heroes and taken the planet.


Molten Core Raider
And then we have a 2 hour meeting at the senate council to discuss new toilets in the spaceship bathrooms. It's like poetry, it rhymes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Count Dooku was also known as Darth Tyranus. I thought it was great that we got to see a Sith that was still relatable. He kept his former Jedi identity and you could tell this was an elegant individual that just happened to be on the dark side. He wasn't just evil for the sake of evil. He also had an awesome lightsaber.

In the Plagueis book it shows that Palpatine's Master was alive up until he's appointed chancellor. Maul and Plagueis die nearly at the same time. Maul was never nothing more than a gofer whom was fluffed up quite a bit. He wasn't included in the planning, but he did put a few things together himself. Both Palpatine and Plagueis acknowledge that "Dark Jedi" rarely become good actual Sith. Most of Dooku's role is as much opportunity as anything else. Don't get me wrong though, Dooku had neat dueling skills I just don't think he was ever considered a permanent addition to the overall plan. I'm thinking from the universe side of course, not shitty writing side.

Oh yea, I keep forgetting that all EU books are supposed to be ignored now, even though 20 separate authors are still trying to fill the holes Lucas left. Wonderful.


I recently came upon this, and its interesting look at the prequels.http://static.nomachetejuggling.com/machete_order.html

I dont know if I can purge my brain enough to actually do it, but it is an interesting thought.
Thanks for linking this article. I really liked it, and want to watch the movies in that order now. I thought the argument for watching it in the Machete order was very impressive, and would make the saga as a whole flow much better.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I can't imagine ever wanting to sit through any of the prequels again.
I still remember standing in the longest line I have ever waited in to see a movie for The Phantom Menace, thinking to myself that I'd probably end up going to see it 3-4 times before it finished it's theater run (which is something I never do). Fast forward to the end of the movie, as I'm leaving the theater and the doors swing open to a sunlit parking lot and the first thing through my mind is "I don't think I want to see that again anytime soon, maybe ever". A complete 180 in the span of 2.5 hours. What a steaming pile that movie was/is.


Vyemm Raider
I watched the phantom menace once. I have yet to actually see Episode II or III. However, I did watch the review videos, where the guy had a hooker in his basement and an obsession with Tostinos pizza rolls. I thought the story arc he had going in the videos with the woman, and her escaping, to be more engaging than the shit in the movies.


Still a Music Elitist
I watched Abrams' Star Trek last night and my suspicions were correct. Typical overreacting nerd backlash. The movie was great. Far exceeded my expectations. I have faith that Abrams will do a fantastic job with Star Wars.